PHILIP C. JIMENO, Democrat, District 31 Born in Fairmont, West Virginia, May 28,
1947 Attended Fairmont Senior High School, Fairmont State College, B S (business
administration) 1969, Coppin State College, M Ed , 1974 Served as Chairman, Anne
Arundel County Transportation Advisory Commission Selected as the State's Attorneys'
Association Legislator of the Year for 1986 Married, two children Member of the House
of Delegates, 1979 85 Member, Appropriations Committee (subcommittee on education
and human resources, subcommittee on law enforcement and transportation) Member,
Joint Committee on Juvenile Justice Vice Chairman, Anne Arundel County Delegation,
1982 and 1985 Member of the Senate since 1985 Chairman, Anne Arundel County Senate
Delegation Member, Judicial Proceedings Committee, Joint Committee on Administra
tive. Executive and Legislative Review Served as Chairman, Anne Arundel County School
Board Selection Process Annapolis office 305 James Senate Office BIdg , 21401 1991,
tel 841 3658
JULIAN L. LAPIDES, Democrat, District 44 Born in Baltimore, Maryland, September
17, 1931 Attended Baltimore public schools. The Johns Hopkins University, Towson
State College, B S , 1954, University of Maryland School of Law, LL B , 1961 Admitted
to Maryland Bar, 1965 Served with U S Army, 1954 56 Member, Maryland State Arts
Council, Maryland Housing Policy Commission, State Planning Commission, Hall of
Records Commission President, Mount Royal Democratic Club Member, American
Antiquarian Society, The Peale Museum, Baltimore Museum of Art, Walters Art Gallery,
Victorian Society in America Life member, NAACP Board member, Lillie Carroll Jackson
Museum, Council, American Antiquarian Society Past president, Maryland kidney roun
dation, regional vice president. National Kidney Foundation, 1970 72 Married Member
of the House of Delegates, 1963 67 Member of the Senate since 1967 Member, Budget
and Taxation Committee, Legislative Policy Committee, Special Joint Committee on
Pensions Senate Chairman, Joint Budget and Audit Committee Co Chairman, Joint
Committee on Legislative Ethics District office 807 Cathedral St, Baltimore 21201, tel
752 4519 Annapolis office 116 Presidential Wing, James Senate Office BIdg , 21401
1991, tel 841 3686
GLORIA GARY LAWLAH, Democrat, District 26 Born in Newberry, South Carolina,
March 12, 1939, second daughter of Eugene Calvin Gary and Erime Guess Gary Hampton
University,BS , Trinity College, M A., George Washington University Administrator, District
of Columbia public schools Member, National Hook up of Black Women, National Council
of Negro Women (life member), Pnnce George's County Chapter, NAACP, Oxon I lill
Democrats, John Hanson Women's Democratic Club, Bla<-k Democratic Council, Alpha
Kappa Alpha Soronly, Pubhc Access Cable Corp , 1980-85, Family Crisis Center, 1982 84,
Coalition on Black Affairs, 1980 90, Center for the Aging, Greater Southeast Community
Hospital Foundation, 1985 87 Democratic State Central Committee, 1982 86 Delegate to
Democratic National Convention, 1984 Pnnce George's Government Review Task Force for
Pubhc Safely (co-cnairrrun, 1982), Hillt.Te.t-Marluw Pluming Buaid, 1982-90, National
Political Congress of Black Women, 1984 90, Pnnce George's County Chapter, I inks, Inc ,
National Association of Minority Political Women Member, Sargent Memorial Presbyterian
Church Married, three children Member of House of Delegates, 1987 90 Member of Senate
since 1991 Member, Economic and Environmental Affairs Committee, Joint Committee on
Investigation District office 3801 24th Ave, Hillcrest Heights 20748, tel 894-3082
Annapolis office 307 James Senate Office BIdg, 21401 1991, tel 858 3092,841 3092
LAURENCE LEVTTAN, Democrat, District 15 Born in Washington, DC, October 22,
1933 Washington and Lee University, B S , 1955, George Washington Law School, J D ,
1958 Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1964 Partner, law firm of Frank Bernstein, Conaway
& Goldman Member, Board of Trustees, Greater Washington Jewish Community Foun
dation Member, gubernatorial commissions on Agricultural Land Preservation, Compen
sation and Personnel Policies, and Federal Income Tax Conformity Married Member of
the House of Delegates, 1971 74 Member of the Senate since 1975 Chairimn, Budget
and Taxation Committee, 1979— Chairman, Spending Affordability Committee Chair
man, Joint Committee on Income Tax Reform Member, Legislative Policy Committee,
Joint Budget and Audit Committee, Joint Committee on Minagenunt of Public Funds,
Special Joint Committee on Legislative Data Systems, Task Force on Catastrophic Liability
Insurance Fund and Reinsurance Exchange, Rules Committee Chairman elect. Southern
Legislative Conference Fiscal Affairs and Government Operations Committee, National
Conference of State Legislatures (vice chairman, pensions committee, member fiscal affairs
and oversight committee) District office 11426 Georgetowne Dr , Potomac 20854, tel
571 9107 Annapolis office 132 James Senate Office BIdg , 21401 1991, tel 858 3169
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