388/Maryland Manual
regulating them. On a continual basis, it reviews
new developments in the explosives industry, in-
cluding safety precautions, techniques for blasting,
and federal regulations.
The Council may have no more than nineteen
members. They are appointed to five-year terms by
the Governor (Code 1957, Art. 41, sec. 4-106).
Chairperson: Paulette T. Wirsching, 1992
Appointed by Governor with advice of Secretary of
Public Safety & Correctional Services: Henry R.
Hergenroeder, Sr., 1989; James L. Thomas, 1989;
Clarence E. Hawkins, 1990; Herbert Matz, 1991;
John S. Ward, 1991; Donald A. Millard, 1992.
Marvin N. Robbins, Executive Director
6776 Reisterstown Rd., Suite 302
Baltimore, MD 21215 764-4257
The Inmate Grievance Commission was formed
in 1971 to adjudicate inmate grievances and com-
plaints (Chapter 210, Acts of 1971).
Any person confined to an institution within the
Division of Correction, or otherwise in the custody
of the Commissioner of Correction, or confined to
Patuxent Institution may submit any grievance or
complaint against any official or employee of the
Division of Correction or Patuxent Institution to
the Inmate Grievance Commission.
The seven members of the Commission are ap-
pointed for four-year terms by the Governor with
the advice of the Secretary of Public Safety and
Correctional Services. At least two members are
lawyers qualified to practice law in the State, and at
least two are persons of knowledge and experience
in one or more of the fields under the jurisdiction
of the Department. The Governor designates the
chairperson with the advice of the Secretary of
Public Safety and Correctional Services. The Secre-
tary, with the advice of the Commission and ap-
proval of the Governor, appoints the Executive
Director (Code 1957, Art. 41, sec. 4-1104).
J. Basil Wisner, designee of Comptroller of the
Ex officio: Lewis A. Welsch, designee of Secretary of
Budget & Fiscal Planning; Marvin N. Robbins,
designee of Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional
Marvin N. Robbins, Secretary
6776 Reisterstown Rd., Suite 302
Baltimore, MD 21215 764-4257
The Sundry Claims Board was established in
1961 (Chapter 440, Acts of 1961). The Board
administers claims filed by any prisoner who has
been injured in the course of employment while
working for compensation in the Patuxent Institu-
tion, the Maryland Penitentiary, the Maryland
House of Correction, or any other institution under
the supervision of the Division of Correction.
Three ex officio members or their designees
serve on the Board. The Governor designates the
chairperson and secretary (Code 1957, Art. 41, sec.