The Secretary of Natural Resources heads the
Department. The Secretary is appointed by the
Governor with Senate advice and consent.
Under the direct supervision of the Office of the
Secretary are the following services: Executive Di-
rection, Public Affairs Office, and General Admin-
istration. Executive Direction establishes,
coordinates, administers, and directs departmental
policy, and has final responsibility for management
policy Executive Direction also maintains liaison
with various legislative bodies. The Public Affairs
Office informs the public of Department policies
and activities. General Administration oversees fis-
cal affairs, personnel, federal aid coordination, data
processing services, and the registration and titling
of boats.
Chairperson: Vacancy
Appointed by Governor (who also designates
chair) with Senate advice & consent: Wallace D.
Miller; Thomas L. Osborne; G. Steele Phillips.
Terms expire 1988.
Russell W. Blake; Victor K. Butanis; Parris N.
Glendening; Ronald B. Hickernell; Thomas L.
Jarvis; Kathryn D. Langner; J. Frank Raley, Jr.
Terms expire 1990.
Ronald D. Adkins; William J. Bostian; Samuel Y.
Bowling; Ronald A. Krasic; Albert W. Zahniser.
Terms expire 1991.
William H. Corkran, Jr.; James E. Gutman;
Shepard Krech, Jr.; Robert R. Price, Jr. Terms expire
Ex ofFicio: Wayne A. Cawley, Jr., Secretary of
Agriculture; J. Randall Evans, Secretary of Economic
& Employment Development; Robert Perciasepe,
designee of Secretary of the Environment; Ardath
Cade, designee of Secretary of Housing & Community
Development; Torrey C. Brown, Secretary ofNatural
Resources; Vacancy, Director of Planning.
Dr. Sarah J. Taylor, Executive Director
West Garrett Place, Suite 320
275 West St.
Annapolis, MD 21401 974-2426
The Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Commission
was created in 1984 (Chapter 794, Acts of 1984).
The Commission monitors a 1,000-foot shoreline
strip around the Bay and its tributaries. This plan-
ning area is critical to the survival of the Bay's tidal
waters, fish, wildlife, and plant habitats.
The Commission regulates undeveloped land
use along the Bay's shores and tributaries and may
intervene in local governments' development plans
if it determines the Bay may be endangered. Period-
ically, the Commission meets with the General
Assembly's Joint Committee on Chesapeake Bay
Critical Areas.
Twenty-six commission members are appointed
to four-year terms by the Governor with Senate
advice and consent. They include five ex officio
voting members or their designees. The Governor
designates the chairperson with Senate advice and
consent (Code Natural Resources Article, secs. 8-
1801 through 8-1816).