Board or pass its examination before being regis-
tered and licensed to practice.
The Governor appoints the Board's seven mem-
bers to five-year terms with the advice of the Secre-
tary of Licensing and Regulation and with Senate
advice and consent. Hve members must be archi-
tects who have engaged in independent practice for
at least ten years. At least three members must be
graduates of approved schools of architecture. Two
members represent the public. The Governor des-
ignates the chairperson. Authorization for the
Board continues until July 1, 1993 (Code 1957,
Art. 56, secs. 463-478).
Chairperson: James Brown, 1989
Appointed by Governor with Senate advice &
consent: Robert R. Miley, 1989; Donald L.
Stegner, 1989; Dennet L. Butler, 1990; Wade H.
Sheriff, Jr., 1990; Rudolph C. Worch III, 1990;
Jack W. McCorkle, 1991; Calvin Mims, 1991;
Francis X. O'Connor, 1991.
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202 333-6322
toll free: 1-800-492-7521
The State Board of Master Electricians was cre-
ated as the Maryland Statewide Electrical Licensing
Board in 1984 (Chapter 731, Acts of 1984). The
Board received its present name in 1988 (Chapter
648, Acts of 1988). The Board examines and li-
censes master electricians desiring to work on a
statewide or multi-county basis.
With Senate advice and consent, the Governor
appoints the Board's nine members. Six are master
electricians and three represent the public. Mem-
bers serve three-year terms (Code 1957, Art. 56A,
secs. 2-101 through 2-702).
Chairperson: Lawrence L. Vallario, 1988
Appointed by Governor with advice of Secretary of
Licensing & Regulation: Vincent J. Rose, Jr.,
1988; Carol D. Stockley, 1989; Walter T.
Stankowski, 1989; one vacancy.
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202 333-6322
toll free: 1-800-492-7521
The Board of Examining Engineers dates to
1892 (Chapter 448, Acts of 1892). The Board
examines applicants for certificates of proficiency to
operate stationary or portable engines in Baltimore
City Certificates must be renewed biennially. The
Board also may inspect industries and places of
business where licensed engineers are employed to
ensure compliance with the law.
Department of Licensing & Regulation/333
The Governor appoints the Board's five mem-
bers with the advice of the Secretary of Licensing
and Regulation. Three members must be engineers
with at least ten years of practical experience oper-
ating steam engines, boilers, and stationary or por-
table engines. Members serve three-year terms
(Public Local Laws of Baltimore City 1969, Art. 4,
secs. 1-6).
Chairperson: Tunis J. Lyon, 1991
Appointed by Governor with Senate advice &
consent: Henry C. Daniels, 1989; John C. Houser,
1989; John F. Kundt, 1990; John E. Michel, 1992;
Earl Sheble, 1993; one vacancy.
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202 333-6322
toll free: 1-800-492-7521
In 1972, the State Board of Registration for
Foresters was created (Chapter 638, Acts of 1972).
The Board was assigned to the Department of
Licensing and Regulation in 1974 (Chapter 4, Acts
of the Special Session of 1973). The Board exam-
ines and licenses persons in the practice of forestry
in Maryland.
The Board consists of seven members appointed
to five-year terms by the Governor with Senate
advice and consent. Five members must be regis-
tered professional foresters appointed from nomin-
ees of the Maryland Chapter, Society of American
Foresters. They must have engaged in the practice
of forestry for at least ten years prior to appoint-
ment. Authorization for the Board continues until
July 1,1994 (Code 1957, Art. 56, secs. 299-319A).
Chairperson: Thomas A. Fisher, 1989
Appointed by Governor with Senate advice &
consent: James Gerlach, M.D., 1989; J. Michael
Canary, 1991; Michael Kahn, 1992; Victor S.
Gladstone, M.D., 1993; M. Elizabeth Froehlinger
Powell, 1993.
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202 333-6322
toll free: 1-800-492-7521
The Board of Examiners for Hearing Aid Deal-
ers originated in 1969 (Chapter 634, Acts of 1969).
The Board registers and regulates persons furnish-
ing hearing aids. It also tests audiometric testing
equipment and inspects the facilities of persons who
fit hearing aids.
The Board's six members are appointed to five-
year terms by the Governor with Senate advice and