332/Maryland Manual
Chairperson: Robert E. Mitchell, 1990
Appointed by Governor with advice of Secretary of
Licensing & Regulation with Senate advice &
consent: B. Reginald Cooper, 1989; Louis Hyatt,
1989; Michael P. Goodfellow, 1990; BiUie D.
Landbeck, 1991; Lloyd H. Seay, Jr., 1991; Alan J.
Ferguson, 1992; John J. Moran, Jr., 1992.
Charles G. Chambers, Executive Director
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202 333-6230
toll free: 1-800-492-7521
The Real Estate Commission of Maryland was
constituted in 1939 to license all real estate brokers
and salespersons doing business in Maryland
(Chapter 351, Acts of 1939). In the major 1988
revision of the law regulating real estate brokers, the
Commission was renamed the State Real Estate
Commission (Chapter 563, Acts of 1988). The
Commission adopts regulations for licensing real
estate brokers and salespersons, formulates a code
of ethics for the business of real estate, and sets
standards for hearings conducted by itself or the
Real Estate Hearing Board. Each applicant for a
real estate salesperson's or broker's License must
complete courses relating to the principles of real
estate in order to qualify for examination.
The Commission may revoke, refuse, or suspend
a license and reprimand or fine a person up to
$2,000 per violation for unethical conduct or for
violating the real estate laws. Since 1971, the Com-
mission has administered the Real Estate Guaranty
Fund of Maryland (Chapter 648, Acts of 1971).
The Fund, in essence, bonds all licensees.
The Commission is composed of eight members
appointed to four-year terms by the Governor wirli
the advice of the Secretary of Licensing and Regu-
lation and Senate advice and consent. Of these
members, one each represents the Eastern Shore,
Central Maryland, Baltimore City Southern Mary-
land, and Western Maryland, and three represent
the State at large. The at-large members cannot be
engaged in the real estate business. All members
must have been citizens and residents of the area for
which they were appointed for not less than five
years before appointment. Excepting the at-large
members, they also must have been actively en-
gaged in the real estate business for ten years prior
to appointment. Authorization for the Commission
continues until July 1,1992 (Code 1957, Art. 56A,
secs. 4-201 through 4-214,4-702).
The authority to create the Real Estate Hearing
Board was given to the Commission in 1968 (Chap-
ter 89, Acts of 1968). With the approval of the
Secretary of Licensing and Regulation, the Real
Estate Commission may appoint three of its mem-
bers to sit as a real estate hearing board. The Com-
mission refers charges or complaints made by itself
or other persons to the Board for hearings. The
Board hears all matters referred to it and submits its
findings and recommendations to the Commission.
The Commission designates one of its members as
Board chairperson. Authorization for the Board
continues until July 1,1992 (Code 1957, Art. 56A,
sec. 4-702).
Harry Lolleas, Executive Director
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202 333-6322
toll free: 1-800-492-7521
The Executive Director of the Licensing Boards
provides centralized administrative staff for the li-
censing boards within the Division of Occupational
and Professional Licensing. These include eleven
boards and one unit: Maryland Architectural Reg-
istration Board; State Board of Master Electricians;
State Board of Examining Engineers; State Board
of Registration for Foresters; Board of Examiners
for Hearing Aid Dealers; Maryland Board of Exam-
iners of Landscape Architects; Board of Examiners
of Maryland Pilots; State Board of Plumbing; State
Board of Registration for Professional Engineers;
State Board of Registration for Professional Land
Surveyors; State Board of Public Accountancy; and
the Licensure of Secondhand Precious Metals and
Gem Dealers and Pawnbrokers.
Chairperson: Gilbert D. Cooke, 1989
Appointed by Governor with advice of Secretary of
Licensing & Regulation and Senate advice &
consent: Ann ReWalt, 1989; George Bushey,
1990; Donald B. RatclifFe, 1991; Lowell E.
Nelson, 1992; Daniel W. Bennett, Jr., 1993;
MargotW. Milch, 1993.
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202 333-6322
toll free: 1-800-492-7521
The Maryland Architectural Registration Board
was established in 1935 as the Board of Examiners
and Registration of Architects (Chapter 309, Acts
of 1935). The Board adopted its present name in
1968 (Chapter 463, Acts of 1968). The Board
decides all matters pertaining to the registration of
architects in Maryland. All persons, corporations,
or partnerships seeking to practice architecture in
the State must submit their qualifications to the