296/Maryland Manual
Chairperson: Jacqueline H. Rogers, Secretary of
Housing & Community Development
Appointed by Governor: Larry H. Dale, 1991;
Peyton Herbert, 1991; Thomas R. Hobbs,
Chairperson, Maryland Housing Policy Commission;
Shirley T. Diamond, Dept. of Economic &
Employment Development; Ardath M. Cade and
Gerald T. Thorpe, Dept. of Housing & Community
45 Calvert St.
Annapolis, MD 21401 974-3176
The Housing Finance Review Committee was
created in 1983 (Chapter 668, Acts of 1983). The
Committee reviews specific loan requests or catego-
ries of loan requests, and the investment and project
financing policies of the Division of Housing fi-
nance. After review, the Committee makes its rec-
ommendations to the Secretary of Housing and
Community Development.
Appointed by the Governor, the Committee is
composed of seven members. Three are Depart-
ment employees; two are public members who
serve four-year terms; one is a public member who
is the chairperson of the Maryland Housing Policy
Commission; and one is an employee of the execu-
tive branch of State government who is not em-
ployed by the Department (Code 1957, Art. 83B,
sec. 2-202).
Mark W. McBride, Director
45 Calvert St.
Annapolis, MD 21401 974-2875
The Maryland Housing Fund was established in
1971 (Chapter 669, Acts of 1971). Its primary
objectives are to assist State citizens of all income
levels through a program of mortgage insurance for
the construction of multiple units and single-family
housing, and to stimulate the flow of private invest-
ment capital into the State for this purpose.
The Fund uses a variety of innovative mortgage
insurance programs. They include the insurance of
single-family mortgage loans up to 100 percent of
purchase price, and the insurance of both construc-
tion and permanent multi-family mortgage loans.
The Fund operates through a large number of
lending institutions across the State and through
local housing agencies (Code 1957, Art. 83B, secs.
3-201 through 3-205).
Gerald L. Thorpe, Director
45 Calvert St.
Annapolis, MD 21401 974-2951
The Division of Community Assistance admin-
isters programs concerned with housing and com-
munity services, commercial revkalization and local
government technical assistance, energy manage-
ment needs, and building codes administration. It
assists local governments, nonprofit organizations,
community action agencies, and small private de-
velopers to implement these programs. The Divi-
sion manages a variety of development, grant and
loan programs as well and serves as a liaison with
local government and regional organizations. In
addition, the Division serves both as a clearing-
house for State-federal programs and as a coordi-
nating agency for State programs affecting local
governments in Maryland (Code 1957, Art. 83B,
sec. 4-201).
Within the Division of Community Assistance
are Commercial and Government Assistance Pro-
grams, Housing and Community Services Pro-
grams, the Building Codes Administration, and the
Maryland Energy Office.
G. William Walker, Jr., Director 974-3503
Commercial and Government Assistance Pro-
grams is responsible for three offices: Commercial
Revitalization; Local Government Assistance; and
Small Cities Community Development Block
Grant Programs.
Michael SiegeL, Director 974-2516
The Office of Commercial Revitalization pro-
vides community assistance for commercial revital-
ization through the Maryland Main Street Center.
The Center offers planning, architectural and finan-
cial assistance to communities interested in revital-
izing their downtown areas.
The Commercial District Management Authority
Grant Program, administered by the Office, pro-
vides financial assistance to local governments and
merchant associations that wish to establish down-
town management authorities. The Office also ad-
ministers the State Action Loan for Targeted Areas
Program which provides gap financing for commer-
cial and residential projects in targeted areas of
communities throughout the State.