Chairperson: Israel H. Weiner, M.D., 1992
Appointed by Governor: Lawrence Alan Jones,
M.D., 1989; David R. Largey, M.D., 1989; Sheila
K. Riggs, 1989; Mack Bonner, Jr., M.D., M.P.H.,
1990; John Lynn, M.D., 1990; John Franklin
Strahan,M.D., 1990; Frank A. Gunther, Jr., 1991;
Claude David Hill, M.D., 1991; Reynaldo L.
Lee-Llacer, M.D., 1991; James Andrew Sumner,
M.D., 1991; Rose Mary Hatem Bonsack, M.D.,
1992; Peter E. Dans, M.D., 1992; Bernard S.
Kleiman, M.D., 1992.
William H. Dorrill, Executive Director
201 W Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 225-5900
In Maryland, the practice of medicine was first
regulated in 1888 (Chapter 429, Acts of 1888).
The State Board of Health then licensed all physi-
cians. In 1892, two Boards of Medical Examiners
carried on this function. One represented the Med-
ical and Chirurgical Faculty and the other the State
Homeopathic Society (Chapter 296, Acts of 1892).
The General Assembly in 1957 abolished the Ho-
meopathic Board and provided for the State Board
of Medical Examiners to regulate the practice of
medicine. In 1988, the Board was replaced by the
State Board of Physician Quality Assurance (Chap-
ter 109, Acts of 1988). Certain functions of the
Commission on Medical Discipline in Maryland
were assigned to the Board in 1988.
The Board tests and licenses physicians to prac-
tice medicine in the State. For certain causes, the
Board may revoke the license of any physician.
Candidates for licenses must be graduates of medi-
cal schools approved by the American Medical As-
sociation and the Association of American Medical
Colleges or of foreign medical schools that offer an
equivalent education. All graduates of foreign med-
ical schools who apply must pass the examination
given by the Educational Council for Foreign Med-
ical Graduates. The Board determines qualifications
for practice by the FLEX examination (Federal
Licensing Examination), endorsement of licenses
obtained in a reciprocating state, or endorsement of
a certificate of the National Board of Medical Ex-
aminers. FLEX examinations are held in June and
December of each year.
The Board also regulates the unlicensed practice
of medicine by physicians' assistants, psychiatrists'
assistants, cardiac rescue technicians, aviation
trauma technicians, medical practitioners,
acupuncturists, medical radiation technologists,
and nuclear medical technologists in approved
medical training programs.
Department of Health & Mental Hygiene/285
Since 1967 the Board has licensed certain osteo-
paths on the basis of endorsement, depending upon
qualifications (Code Health Occupations Article,
sec. 14-310).
Composed of fifteen members, the Board is
appointed by the Governor. The Board includes ten
licensed physicians in active practice recommended
by the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State
of Maryland (State Medical Society). One member
is a practicing Licensed physician appointed at the
Governor's discretion. One member, nominated by
the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene, rep-
resents the Department of Health and Mental Hy-
giene. Two consumer members are appointed with
Senate advice and consent. One consumer member,
appointed from a list submitted by the Maryland
Hospital Association, must be knowledgeable in
risk management or quality assurance. The initial
term for a consumer member is three years. Other
members serve four-year terms. The Governor des-
ignates a physician member as chairperson. Autho-
rization for the Board continues until July 1,1993
(Code Health Occupations Article, secs. 14-101
through 14-802).
Chairperson: Robert M. Duggan
Appointed by Governor: Ralph M. Coan, M.D.;
Dianne M. Connelly, Ph.D.; Warren M. Ross,
M.D.; Grace Wong, M.D. Terms expire 1988.
Established in 1982, the Acupuncture Advisory
Council advises the State Board of Physician Qual-
ity Assurance on the adoption of rules and regula-
tions governing the licensing of acupuncturists and
the performance of acupuncture in the State (Chap-
ter 644, Acts of 1982).
The Council consists of five members appointed
by the Governor. Of these, two are licensed physi-
cians and three are acupuncturists who are not
licensed physicians (Code Health Occupations Ar-
ticle, sec. 14-605).
Chairperson: Philip J. Ferris, M.D.
Appointed by State Board of Physician Quality
Assurance: Katherine Kaminski; George E.
Patterson, Jr.; William G. Reisz; Robert Solomon;
J. B. Zachary, M.D.; David J. Zajano, M.D. Terms
expire 1988.
The Physician Assistant Advisory Committee
was created within the State Board of Medical Ex-
aminers in 1986 (Chapter 759, Acts of 1986). The
Committee became part of the State Board of Phy-
sician Quality Assurance in 1988 (Chapter 109,