284/Maryland Manual
The Board consists of six members appointed by
the Governor on recommendation of the Secretary
with Senate advice and consent. Five are psychol-
ogists recommended by the Maryland Psychologi-
cal Association. The sixth member is a consumer.
Board members serve three-year terms. The Board
may designate an administrator. Authorization for
the Board continues until July 1, 1993 (Code
Health Occupations Article, secs. 16-201 through
Rosalind E. Griffin, D.S.W., L.C.S.W., 1990
Appointed by Governor: Frederica C. Harrison,
L.C.S.W., 1989; Mildred M. Reynolds, Ed.D.,
L.C.S.W., 1989; June Collier Adams, 1990;
Richard W. Stanzione, 1991.
201 W. Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 225-5855
The State Board of Social Work Examiners was
created in 1975 (Chapter 453, Acts of 1975). The
Board issues licenses to social work associates, grad-
uate social workers, and certified social workers.
Under certain conditions the Board may take disci-
plinary measures to reprimand, suspend, revoke, or
refuse to renew the license of a licensee.
The Board consists of five members appointed
by the Governor for three-year terms. Four mem-
bers must be licensed social workers. One member
is a consumer appointed on recommendation of the
Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene with Sen-
ate advice and consent. The consumer member
cannot have training as a social worker or have a
financial interest in a related field. Authorization for
the Board continues until July 1, 1994 (Code
Health Occupations Article, secs. 18-201 through
Chairperson: James M. McDonald, Sc.D., 1990
Appointed by Governor upon recommendation of
Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene: James H.
Kelly, M.D., 1989; Alfreda J. Pinkney, 1990;
Gloria P. Claybaugh, 1991; Sue A. Brown, 1992;
John Michael Sloan, 1992.
201 W Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 225-5863
The State Board of Examiners for Speech-Lan-
guage Pathologists was created as the Board of
Examiners for Speech Pathologists in 1972 (Chap-
ter 547, Acts of 1972). The Board was renamed in
1987 (Chapter 478, Acts of 1987). The Board
evaluates the qualifications of speech pathologists
in Maryland and issues licenses to those who qualify.
Licenses are renewed every two years.
The Board consists of six members appointed to
five-year terms by the Governor upon recommen-
dation of the Secretary of Health and Mental Hy-
giene. Three are licensed speech-pathologists with
paid work experience in speech-language pathology
for at least five years, the American Speech and
Hearing Association certificate of clinical compe-
tence in speech pathology or the equivalent, and
approval by the Maryland Speech and Hearing
Association. One is a licensed audiologist with paid
work experience in audiology for at least five years,
the American Speech and Hearing Association cer-
tificate of clinical competence in audiology or the
equivalent, and approval by the Maryland Speech
and Hearing Association. One must be a physician
licensed to practice medicine in Maryland with a
certificate of qualification from the American Board
of Otolaryngology. One must be a consumer who
has no training or financial interest in the field of
speech pathology. Authorization for the Board con-
tinues until July 1, 1994 (Code Health Occupa-
tions Article, secs. 19-101 through 19-502).
Chairperson: JohnM. Krager,MD.,M.PH., 1990
Vice-Chairperson: Florence Fenton, Ed.D., 1990
c/o Baltimore County Health Department
401 Bosley Ave.
Towson, MD 21204 887-2717
The Maryland State School Health Council was
created informally by the State Department of
Health and the State Department of Education in
the 1950s. Formally reorganized in 1966, the
Council advises the Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene and the State Department of Ed-
ucation on the school health program. The Council
helps develop and maintain programs to provide a
healthful school environment, health and safety
instruction, and school health services. It also serves
as a forum for the two State departments that it
advises, their local counterparts, and other groups
concerned with the health of school-age children.
The general body of the Council includes two
representatives appointed by each of the twenty-
four local health and education departments. The
Executive Board consists of five elected members of
the general body and representatives of State and
local government health and education agencies,
medical associations, and education organizations.