238/Maryland Manual
comprehensive supply system for equipment and
materials needed to maintain the buildings.
Frederick W. De Jong, Superintendent
310 W Saratoga St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 333-4099
The Saratoga State Center Division operates,
maintains, and secures State buildings at 310 W
Saratoga St. and 220-230 N. Howard St. in Balti-
more City and the State Records Management
Center/Warehouse at 7275 Waterloo Road in
Jessup (Howard County).
The Division provides both preventive and rou-
tine maintenance and oversees the contractual pro-
vision of some maintenance tasks and services at the
Jessup facility. At the Saratoga State Center, the
Division provides preventive and routine mainte-
nance, repairs, alterations, improvements, house-
keeping, and security services to preserve facilities
and equipment. The Division also operates a com-
prehensive supply system for equipment and mate-
rials needed for maintenance.
Robin J. Zee, Assistant Secretary fir Operations
301 W Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 225-4440
The Assistant Secretary for Operations is re-
sponsible for the management and general direc-
tion of the Office of Real Estate and the Office of
Central Services. The Assistant Secretary coordi-
nates the development and implementation of pol-
icies, procedures, regulations, and standards to
assure that programs and services meet the needs of
the agencies served. The Assistant Secretary for
Operations and Assistant Secretary for Engineering
constitute the Department's Procurement Review
Klaus P. Heinemeyer, Director
300 W Preston St., Room 601
Baltimore, MD 21201 225-4322
The Office of Real Estate was administratively
formed by the Department of General Services in
July 1978. The Office places the Space Manage-
ment Division and the Land Acquisition Division
under one Director to coordinate the State's real
estate activities.
Deborah A. Photiadis, Chief
300 W Preston St., Room 601
Baltimore, MD 21201 225-4310
The Land Acquisition Division acquires and dis-
poses of real property for State agencies except for
the Department of Transportation. Most of the
Division's work is for the Department of Natural
The Division acquires Open Space property for
State parks, wildlife preserves, and natural environ-
ment areas. To secure such property, the Division
obtains independent appraisals, negotiates with
owners, secures purchase options, and requests
Board of Public Works approval on proposed pur-
chase terms. The Division also processes requests to
obtain or grant rights of way and public utility,
preservation, and scenic easements.
The disposition of excess property and property
transfers between State agencies also are processed
by the Division and presented for approval to the
Board of Public Works (Code State Finance and
Procurement Article, secs. 4-411 through 4-414).
William Sraver, Jr., Chief
300 W Preston St., Room 601
Baltimore, MD 21201 225-4325
The Space Management Division manages as-
signments for office space in State-owned facilities,
acquires leased facilities for State agencies, approves
space modifications, and sets standards for the allo-
cation of space. The Division negotiates the leasing
of State property (except port and aviation facili-
ties) and conducts surveys of State space require-
ments. In addition, the Division negotiates certain
concession agreements and makes recommenda-
tions to the Board of Public Works on the need for
State office space construction.
Robert J. Byrd, Director
300 W Preston St., Room 401
Baltimore, MD 21201 225-4294
The Director of Central Services provides policy
and administrative direction for supportive services
that enable State agencies to operate effectively. The
Office is organized into four Divisions: Purchasing
Bureau, Printing and Publication, Inventory Man-
agement, and Records Management.
Paul T. Harris, Sr., Chief