200/Maryland Manual
Appointed by Senate President: Philip C. Jimeno
Appointed by House Speaker: Vacancy
The Advisory Council consists of twelve mem-
bers representing both government and the State's
television and movie industry Ten are appointed by
the Secretary of Economic and Employment Devel-
opment with the approval of the Governor and
Senate advice and consent. Two are General Assem-
bly members, appointed by the Senate President
and the House Speaker (Code 1957, Art. 83A, sec.
Chairperson: Rita Souweine, 1990
Appointed by Governor with advice of Secretary of
Economic & Employment Development: Frenzela
R. Credle, 1988; Sandy F. Eisenberg, 1988; Keren
Davison Dement, 1989; Adee C. Kepler, 1989;
Elizabeth W. Lederer, 1989; Lois K. Baldwin,
1990; Norton T. Dodge, Ph.D., 1990; Eliot
Pfanstiehl, 1990; three vacancies.
Ex officio: Julian L. Lapides, State Senate; Pauline
H. Menes, House of Delegates.
James Backas, Executive Director
Charles Camp, State Folklorist
15 W Mulberry St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 333-2778
In conformity with provisions of the National
Foundation on the Arts and Humanities, the Mary-
land State Arts Council originated as the
Governor's Council on the Arts in Maryland, estab-
lished by Executive Order in 1966. The Maryland
State Arts Council was created by statute in 1967
(Chapter 644, Acts of 1967). Formerly under the
Department of Economic and Community Devel-
opment, the Council became part of the Depart-
ment of Economic and Employment Development
in 1987 (Chapter 311, Acts of 1987).
The Council assists artists and arts organizations
throughout the State and designs new or expanded
arts programs. The Council makes grants to indi-
vidual artists, arts organizations, and county arts
councils. It also conducts programs of its own: Slide
Registry of Maryland Visual Artists, Fine Arts in
Public Places Program, Artists in Education Pro-
gram, Arts Facility Assistance Program, and State
Folklife Program.
Annually, the Council receives a National En-
dowment for the Arts grant for program support.
The Council consists of fifteen members. Thir-
teen are appointed to diree-year terms by the Gov-
ernor in consultation with the Secretary of
Economic and Employment Development. Two are
members of the General Assembly: one appointed
by the Senate President and one by the House
Speaker. Council members are chosen because of
dieir participation in civic, educational, and profes-
sional organizations concerned with or engaged in
the production of the performing, visual or creative
arts. Members must also represent all geographic
sections of the State (Code 1957, Art. 83A, secs.
6-501 through 6-509).
Michael Marqua, Director
217 E. Redwood St.
Baltimore, MD 21202 333-6627
The Office of Sports Promotion was created
within the Department of Economic and Employ-
ment Development in 1987 (Chapter 311, Acts of
1987). Under the Division of Tourism and Promo-
tion, the Office promotes, sponsors, and publicizes
sporting events in Maryland.
Chairperson: Louis J. Grasmick, 1991
Vice-Chairperson: H. Morton Rosen, 1990
Appointed by Governor with advice of Secretary of
Economic & Employment Development: Harry J.
Banahan, 1989; Anthony T. Hawkins, 1989; J.
Suter Kegg, 1989; Samuel Lacy, 1989; Joseph B.
Sharpless, 1989; Anthony M. DiPietro, Jr., 1990;
William H. B. Howard, M.D., 1990; Edward J.
Kasemeyer, 1990; Chuck Thompson, 1990;
Thomas L. BromwelL, 1991; William T. Endicott,
1991; William R. McCaffrey, 1991; Lew Perkins,
1991; John H. Snyder, 1991; one vacancy.
The Advisory Commission on Sports was cre-
ated within the Department of Economic and Em-
ployment Development in 1988 (Chapter 11, Acts
of 1988). The Commission investigates and collects
information relating to the economic, fiscal and
social effects of amateur and professional sports
franchises in Maryland. The Commission also en-
courages the promotion and development of ama-
teur and professional sports in the State. In
addition, the Commission serves as an advisory
board to the Secretary of Economic and Employ-
ment Development.
The Commission's seventeen members are ap-
pointed to three-year terms by the Governor in
consultation with the Secretary of Economic and
Employment Development. Six members represent
amateur and professional sports in Maryland; three
represent State and local government; and four
represent the public. Two members are State Sena-
tors, selected by the Senate President and two are
members of the House of Delegates chosen by the
House Speaker. The Governor designates the chair-
person and vice-chairperson (Code 1957, Art. 83 A,
secs. 4-401 through 4-406).