The Office of the Secretary provides executive
direction for the Department. TTie Secretary is the
chief executive officer and is appointed by the Gov-
ernor with Senate advice and consent. Responsible
for day-to-day operations, the Deputy Secretary is
appointed by the Secretary with the Governor's
The Office of the Secretary includes the Office
of the Assistant Attorney General, internal audit,
intergovernmental, and public information func-
tions, Office of Aquaculture Programs, and Office
of Administrative Services (Code Agriculture Arti-
cle, secs. 2-101 through 2-108).
Bradley H. Powers, Aquaculture Coordinator
Harry S Truman Parkway
Annapolis, MD 21401 841-5861
The National Aquaculture Act of 1980 set forth
the federal policy of encouraging development of
an aquaculture industry. Maryland's interest in
aquaculture culminated in 1988 when the Depart-
ment of Agriculture was designated to promote
development of aquaculture and coordinate State
efforts in this field (Chapter 534, Acts of 1988).
In Maryland, aquaculture has been defined as an
agricultural activity—the controlled cultivation and
harvest of aquatic plants and animals. Potentially
viable aquaculture crops in the State include striped
bass and hybrids, oysters, and soft-shell crabs.
The Office of Aquaculture Programs was estab-
lished by the Department in 1988.
The Office coordinates the aquaculture pro-
grams of the Department of Agriculture, Depart-
ment of Natural Resources, and the University of
Chairperson: Ernest F. Tresselt, 1991
Appointed by Governor: George Kimble Horn,
1989; Michael R. Leedy, 1989; Michael C. Rubino,
Ph.D., 1989; Calvert Brice Tolley, 1989; James M.
Banagan, 1990; Max E. Chambers, 1990; Frank P.
Palmer, Jr., 1990; Francis J. Russell, 1990; John F.
Tucker Brown, 1991; Reginal M. Harrell, Ph.D.,
1991; James A. Perdue, Ph.D., 1991.
Appointed by Senate President: Lewis R. Riley
Appointed by House Speaker: John F. Slade III
Agency representatives: William F. Sieling, Deft, of
Agriculture; Frederick W. Wheaton, Ph.D.,
University of Maryland College of Agriculture; Lt.
Col. W. C. Willing, Deft, of Natural Resources Police;
W. Peter Jensen, Deft, of Natural Resources
Tidewater Administration
The Aquaculture Advisory Committee was cre-
ated in 1988 (Chapter 534, Acts of 1988). In
consultation with the Senate Economic and Envi-
ronmental Affairs Committee and the House of
Delegates Environmental Matters Committee, the
Committee will propose legislation to promote a
major aquaculture industry for Maryland's tidal
waters. Recommendations may include aquacul-