Council Advisory Committee serves as an advisory
board to the Minority Business Enterprise Certifi-
cation Council. The Committee is appointed by the
Director of the Office of Minority Affairs.
R. Howard Hill, Director, Office of Minority Affairs
The Interdepartmental Advisory Committee for
Minority Affairs was created within the Office of
Minority Affairs in 1986 (Chapter 719, Acts of
1986). The Committee advises the Director of the
Office of Minority Affairs on proposals to imple-
ment the duties of the Office, promote the hiring of
minority persons in the State, and promote minor-
ity business enterprises in Maryland (Code State
Government Article, sec. 9-303.1).
301 W Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 225-4500
The Office of Planning was created in 1989
within the office of the Governor.
Chairperson: Arnold M. Kronstadt, 1989
Appointed by Governor: William Amonett, 1989;
Isadore Jack Parks, 1989; George B. Reeves, 1989;
Thomas B. Beyard, 1990; Margaret M. Kline,
1990; Julia A. Metcalf, 1990; John W. Steffey, Sr.,
1990; George M. Brady, Jr., 1991; Patricia C.
Layton, 1991.
Ex officio: Julian L. Lapides, State Senate; Martha
S. Klima, House of Delegates.
The State Planning Commission serves as an
advisory board to the Office of Planning. The Com-
mission considers current operations and activities
of the Office, development issues, and the establish-
ment of regional or metropolitan planning areas.
The Commission fosters public awareness and un-
derstanding of the objectives and functions of State
and local planning.
The Commission consists of thirteen members.
Eleven members representing the public are ap-
pointed by the Governor to four-year terms. One
senator and one delegate, chosen by the President
of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of
Delegates respectively serve ex officio. Members
are selected to reflect the various geographic, eco-
nomic, and social interests in the State. The chair-
person is designated by the Governor (Code State
Finance and Procurement Article, secs. 5-801
through 5-808).
Constitutional Offices & Agencies/145
Chairperson: Vacancy, Office of Planning
Appointed by Governor: James E. Gutman, Anne
Arundel County; Bernie Fowler, Calvert County;
Thomas A. Gannon, Charles County; Vacancy,
Howard County; John L. Menke, Montgomery
County; W. C. Dutton, Jr., Prince George's County;
Robert T. Jarboe, St. Mary's County. Terms expire
Ex officio: Bruce Gilmore, designee of Secretary of
Natural Resources; Robert Perciasepe, designee of
Secretary of the Environment; Rosemary Roswell,
Administrator, Soil Conservation Administration,
Dept. of Agriculture.
Nonvoting: W. Lee McFarlane, representing State
Soil Conservation Districts.
301 W. Preston St., Room 1101
Baltimore, MD 21201 225-4510
Created in 1980, the Patuxent River Commis-
sion reviews the operation of State and local agen-
cies in regard to the Patuxent River (Chapter 746,
Acts of 1980). It provides a clearinghouse for wa-
tershed information and reviews plans and com-
ments on reports and development projects
impacting the river. The Commission helped pre-
pare the Patuxent River Policy Plan and is instru-
mental in carrying out the Plan's purposes.
The Commission is composed of eleven mem-
bers, one from each of the seven counties within the
watershed and four ex officio members or desig-
nees. The Commission reports annually to the Gen-
eral Assembly (Code State Finance and
Procurement Article, secs. 5-901 through 5-916).
Anand Bhandari, Director 225-4500
Planning Design provides urban design, concep-
tual architectural design, and graphics services to
State agencies and local governments. Planning
Design also creates artwork and publication design
for the Department.
John Garber, Director 225-4450
Planning Data collects, analyzes, and publishes
social, economic, and geographic information for
planning purposes. Planning Data provides a com-
prehensive data base for use by other State agencies,
the Executive Department, the General Assembly,
local government, and the general public.
Projections of population, housing, public
school enrollment, and employment are prepared
for the City of Baltimore and each county in the
State. Projections are used by other State and local
agencies as well as the private sector.