Department of Recreation and Parks
William M. Mitchell, Director
Arts Grants Committee
Anita Iribe, Chairperson
Planning Board
William Harrison, Chairperson, 1988; Helen
Ruther, 1987; J. Gordon Warfield, 1989; Sue-
Ellen Hantman, 1990; one vacancy.
Office of Planning and Zoning
Uri P. Avin, Director
Division of Comprehensive and Transportation
Amar S. Bandel, Chief
Land Development and Zoning Administration
John Musselman, Chief
Zoning Board
Ruth U. Keeton, Chairperson; County Council,
ex officio.
Appeals Board (Zoning)
James G. Haughton, Chairperson, 1989; Robert
V. L. Sharp, 1987; Nancy Ikeda, 1988;
Wayman Scott, 1990; Margaret Rutter, 1991.
Industrial Development Authority
Arnold G. Holz, Chairperson, 1987
Agricultural Land Preservation Advisory Board
Joseph J. Dymek, Chairperson, 1987; Ridgely
Jones, 1987; Nancy Shipley Moore, 1988; James
R. Moxley III, 1988; Gene W. Mullinix, 1989;
A. Hardy Pickett, 1989; Robert Stansfield,
1989; Stewart H. Frazier, 1990; Dennis A.
White, Executive Secretary.
District Forestry Board
Donald R. Stim, Chairperson; L. Brandt Jones,
Jr.; Robert E. Stanfield; Silas Stines, Jr.
Historic District Commission
C. Edward Walter, Chairperson, 1987; Rob
Robertson, 1988; Jean 0. Hannon, 1989; Cheryl
McAfee, 1990; Katherine R. Herbert, 1991.
Department of Public Works
George F. Neimeyer, Director
Bureau of Engineering
William E. Riley, Chief
Bureau of Environmental Services
James Irvin, Chief
Bureau of Facilities
Fred F. Willers, Chief
Kent County/599
Traffic Division
James E. Kienker, Chief
Bureau of Highways
Granville W. Wehland, Chief
Bureau of Utilities
Robert M. Beringer, Chief
Public Works Board
David L. Jenkins, Chairperson, 1988
Department of Inspections, Licenses and Permits
M. Robert Gemmill, Chief
Board of Electrical Examiners
John K. Ward, Chairperson. 1991
Plumbing Code Advisory Committee
Clifford Stretmater, Chairperson. 1988
Chief Plumbing Inspector
Charles Sinnott
Public Transportation Board
Donald H. Peoples, Chairperson, 1987
Board of License Commissioners
C. Vemon Gray, Chairperson; County Council,
ex officio.
Extension Agents
L. Martin Hamilton, Jr., County Director; Ray-
mond V. Bosmans; Hope M. Jackson; Vivian
G. Salters; Coralee Tuck.
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
J. Gordon Warfield, Jr., Chairperson. 1989;
William P. Brendel, 1988; Merhle P. Pickett,
1990; W. Lee McFarlane, 1991; John H. Nicho-
lai, Jr. (County appointee); Raymond V. Bos-
mans, Extension Agent, Secretary (non-voting).
Jack Helm, District Conservationist; Robert W.
Ziehm, District Manager.
County Seat: Chestertown 21620
Origin: First referred to as a county in 1642 when
the Governor and Council appointed
commissioners for the Isle and County of Kent.