542/Maryland Manual
in the manner it deems appropriate (Code
Health—General Article, sees. 9-309 through
Alcoholism Advisory Council: Appointed by the
governing body of the county or Baltimore City
for three-year terms. One member serves from
each of the following: the governing body, the
county department of education, the local depart-
ment of social services, practicing physicians, the
clergy, the legal profession, and the local council
on alcoholism. Two members are employees of al-
coholism treatment programs in the county, and
four are public members. The county health offi-
cer and alcoholism coordinator serve ex officio
(Code Health—General Article, sees. 8-312
through 8-316).
Board of Education—Appointed: Appointed by the
Governor for five-year terms in Anne Arundel,
Baltimore, Calvert, Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester,
Frederick, Harford, Queen Anne's, St. Mary's,
Talbot, Wicomico and Worcester counties. The
number of Board members depends upon the
number of pupils enrolled in the county's schools.
In Baltimore City the Mayor with City Council
consent appoints the Board, known as the Board
of School Commissioners, for six-year terms. In
Anne Arundel County the Board includes a stu-
dent member chosen for a one-year term by a
method selected by the Chesapeake Regional As-
sociation of Student Councils of Anne Arundel
County. In Baltimore County the Board consists
of ten members appointed by the Governor. Of
these, eight represent each of the legislative dis-
tricts, one represents the county at large, and one
is a nonvoting student member.
Board of Education—Elected: Elected by the vot-
ers of the county for four-year terms in Allegany,
Charles, Garrett, Montgomery, Prince George's,
Somerset and Washington counties, and for six-
year terms in Carroll, Howard and Kent counties.
In Allegany County the Board consists of five
elected members and the Board of County Com-
missioners' chairperson who is a nonvoting, ex of-
ficio member. The Carroll County Board includes
five elected members and the Board of County
Commissioners who serve as nonvoting, ex officio
members. In Charles County the Board has seven
elected members. In Garrett County the Board
has five members: one from each county commis-
sioner district and two from the county at large.
Howard and Kent counties each have a five-mem-
ber Board. In Montgomery County the Board has
seven elected members and a student member,
who serves for one year and is elected by a proce-
dure agreed on by the County Board and the
Montgomery County region of the Maryland As-
sociation of Student Councils. In Prince George's
County the Board consists of nine members, each
elected from a separate school board district, and
a student member, elected by the Prince George's
Regional Association of Student governments.
The Somerset County Board has five elected
members: one from each county commissioner
district and one from the county at large. In
Washington County the Board includes five elect-
ed members (Code Education Article, sees. 3-101
through 3-1003).
Superintendent of Schools: Appointed by the coun-
ty Board of Education for a four-year term with
the approval of the State Superintendent of
Schools. In Baltimore City the position is called
Superintendent of Public Instruction (Code Edu-
cation Article, sees. l-101(e), 4-201).
Community College Board of Trustees: Consists of
seven members appointed by the Governor, with
the advice and consent of the Senate, for six-year
terms except in Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Freder-
ick, Harford, Montgomery and Prince George's
counties, and Baltimore City. In Anne Arundel
County the Board has eight members, including a
student member who serves for one year. In Balti-
more City the Board is appointed by the Mayor
and City Council. In Baltimore County there is a
nine-member board: eight members each represent
a different legislative district, and one member
represents the county at large. In Frederick Coun-
ty Board members serve five-year terms. In
Harford County five of seven members are ap-
pointed by the Governor for five-year terms and
two are appointed by the county Board of Educa-
tion from among its members for one-year terms.
In Montgomery and Prince George's counties
eight-member boards include a student member
who serves for one year. In Montgomery County
members, except for the student member, are ap-
pointed with the advice and consent of the Senate.
In Prince George's County the student member is
elected by the community college student body
(Code Education Article, sees. 16-201, 16-501
through 16-514).
Board of Library Trustees: Appointed by the
county governing body from nominees submitted
by the Board of Library Trustees. The Board con-
sists of seven members who serve five-year terms
without compensation. Members may not serve
for more than two consecutive terms. Annually,
the Board elects its own officers. In Anne Arundel
County the Board itself makes appointments for
three-year overlapping terms. In Montgomery