Defunct Executive Commissions
The following executive commissions, commit-
tees, task forces, and advisory boards completed
their work prior to April 1987.
Co-Chairperson: Michael L. Bowman
Co-Chairperson: Susan S. G. Wierman
William K. Bonta; Charles Bostater; James
Burtis; W. R. Carter III; Robert D. Conkwright;
Robert M. Davis; Paul R. Farragut; Dr. Tolbert
V. Feather; Caren Glotfelty-Schoonhoven; James
Hill; James Noonan; Catherine Pieper; Paul Slunt;
Dr. Eric Van De Verg; Richard Wagner.
c/o Energy Administration
Dept. of Natural Resources
Tawes State Office Bidg.
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 974-2261
The Maryland Interagency Working Group on
Acid Deposition was formed in 1983 by the De-
partment of Natural Resources and the Depart-
ment of Health and Mental Hygiene. The Work-
ing Group assessed the effects of acid rain on
Maryland's natural resources.
Members of the Working Group represented
the Departments of Agriculture, Economic and
Community Development, Health and Mental
Hygiene, Natural Resources, State Planning, and
In January 1984, the Working Group submitted
its final report, The Potential Effects of Acid Depo-
sition in Maryland . Recommendations included
the establishment of a rain chemistry monitoring
network, design and implementation of a
headwater stream monitoring network, establish-
ment of a centralized data base, and special stud-
ies to determine the effect of acid deposition on
important natural resources.
Chairperson: Edward N. Brandt, Jr., M.D.
Vice-Chairperson: Dr. Brian Biles
Executive Commissions/363
Dr. Robert J. Ancona; G. George Asaki; Barbara
Baird; Dr. Ford Brewer; Rev. Alfredo Coye; Curt
Decker; James Gentry; Dr. Leon Gordis; Paula C.
Hollinger; Nathan C. Irby, Jr.; Sue Ellen Johnson;
Dr. Thomas F. Krajewski; Dr. John E. Maupin,
Jr.; Dr. Helen B. McAllister; Dr. B. Frank Polk;
Emily Miller Rody; James J. Traglia; Robert B.
Watts; Jack Zimmerman, M.D.
Ex officio: David L. Glenn
c/o Office of the Chancellor
University of Maryland
522 W. Lombard St.
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 328-7002
In November 1985 the Governor appointed the
Task Force on AIDS to examine the problems of
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. The
Task Force charge was to recommend possible
State initiatives to promote the development of
medical and social programs for AIDS victims,
develop policies to protect all segments of the
population, and educate the public about the dis-
ease. The Task Force submitted a preliminary re-
port for the 1986 legislative session and a final re-
port in January 1987.
Chairperson: Susan P. Leviton
John L. Bovaird; William A. Bryant, Jr., M.D.;
Edward L. Clapp; Daniel M. Clements; Joy Duva;
Sylvia L. Hackett; Florence Henderson; Barbara
A. Hoffman; Barbara Holtan; Jerry M. Hyatt;
Elizabeth A. Kavanagh; David A. Kinne; Barbara
Lumpkins; Clarence M. Mitchell III; Jerry Perry;
Deanna L. Phelps; Lexine Pusey; Geraldine T.
Robinson; Alice Pearson Williams.
600 S. Hanover St.
Baltimore 21230 Telephone: 328-3295
In November 1985, the Governor appointed the
Task Force to Study Adoption Procedures. The
Task Force was asked to review and assess adop-
tion services and identify impediments to adop-
tion, especially of children for whom the State has
custody. In this process, the Task Force analyzed
the roles of local departments of social services,
courts, and private agencies in securing adoption
for children. Laws and regulations impeding
adoption in some jurisdictions were reviewed.