administering agencies (county governments, com-
munity action agencies, offices on aging, nonprofit
organizations) to provide this weatherization as-
For eligible households, the Program provides
up to $1,000 in weatherization materials installed
free of charge by certified workers. Eligibility for
assistance is determined by family size and in-
come. The major energy conservation measures
for these homes are planned to improve thermal
efficiency. Most commonly, they include insula-
tion, storm windows, weatherstripping, caulking,
hot water heater jackets, pipe insulation, and
clock thermostats. Recipients stay warmer while
spending less money on fuel. The Program pro-
motes community awareness of energy conserva-
tion, provides jobs, and stimulates the weatheriza-
tion industry.
David M. Hammerman, Director
45 Calvert St.
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 974-2701
Within the Division of Community Assistance,
the Building Codes Administration (BCA) works
with local governments, design professionals, and
code inspectors to ensure that the highest perfor-
mance standards are met in the construction of
The Building Codes Administration is responsi-
ble for enforcement of the Industrialized Building
Code, Mobile Home Construction Standards, the
Model Performance Building Code, and the
Maryland Building Code for the Handicapped.
The Administration also administers the Mary-
land Safety Glazing Law, and Maryland Energy
Conservation Building Standards.
Established in 1971, the Industrialized Building
Program offers certification standards for any
building, building subsystem, or component that
is manufactured and assembled off-site (Chapter
662, Acts of 1971). The intent of the Program is
to encourage the growth of industrialized building
construction by using preemptive uniform state-
wide codes and standards. Building systems that
are certified by the State can be used or erected
anywhere in Maryland, without having to comply
with different local building codes, as long as they
comply with local zoning laws. The Building
Codes Administration also inspects mobile homes
to resolve consumer complaints and enforce the
Housing and Community Development/25 7
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Develop-
ment standard (Code 1957, Art. 41B, sees. 6-101,
The Model Performance Building Code was
adopted in 1971 (Chapter 663, Acts of 1971). The
basis of the State's Model Performance Code is
the Building Officials and Code Administrators
International National Building Code (BOCA). It
is the intent of the General Assembly that this
code eventually be adopted throughout the State
to allow builders to adapt their construction prac-
tices to a single set of modern, performance-ori-
ented standards. Provisions to promote energy
conservation in building construction were estab-
lished by the Maryland Energy Conservation
Building Standards Act in 1981 (Code 1957, Art.
78, sec. 54-1).
The Building Codes Administration administers
the Safety Glazing Law (Chapter 116, Acts of
1973). The law requires the use of safety glazing
in certain locations in new buildings (Code 1957,
Art. 41B, sees. 6-301 through 6-306).
The Statewide Building Energy Conservation
Standards, adopted in 1978, authorize the Build-
ing Codes Administration to develop statewide
standards for energy conservation in new build-
ings (Code 1957, Art. 41B, sec. 6-105).
Linda MacDermid, Chairperson
John L. Brunner; David R. Conover; Stanley
Grain; James R. Novak; Andrew J. Parker; David
Raymer; William W. Reinhardt; John R.
Reisinger; six vacancies.
45 Calvert St.
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 974-2701
Established in 1978, the Advisory Commission
on Energy Utilization in Buildings makes recom-
mendations to the Secretary of Housing and Com-
munity Development on the promulgation of
statewide energy use guidelines and their applica-
tion (Chapter 332, Acts of 1978).
The Commission is composed of fifteen mem-
bers appointed by the Secretary of Housing and
Community Development. Members represent the
building code enforcement agencies, architectural
and engineering professions, public utilities, the
commercial construction industry, legislative bod-
ies of local government, and the public (Code
1957, Art. 41B, sec. 6-105).