256/Maryland Manual
expenses. The Office was responsible for develop-
ing the statewide Minimum Livability Code and
administering the Livability Code Implementation
Grant Program.
To keep local governments and other providers
of housing informed about housing matters, the
Division publishes a monthly newsletter, Talk
About Housing . The Division also carries on an
applied research and demonstration program to
encourage builders to construct energy efficient,
affordable housing for low-income families.
Brenda Townsend-Milton, Director
45 Calvert St.
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 974-3503
Formerly under the Department of Human Re-
sources, the Community Services Block Grant
Program became part of the Department of Hous-
ing and Community Development in 1987. The
Program funds and technically assists eligible an-
ti-poverty community action programs that work,
through a variety of mechanisms, to increase the
self-sufficiency of low-income people. The Pro-
gram also serves as a clearinghouse for informa-
tion on and access to other State and federal pro-
grams useful to community action organizations.
The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG)
was created by the federal Omnibus Budget Rec-
onciliation Act of 1981. It replaced earlier cate-
gorical grants made by the federal Community
Services Administration to local community ac-
tion agencies. Block Grant funds are granted for
administrative and program costs to enable local
agencies to serve primarily the elderly poor, near
poor, and working poor of their communities.
These funds are allocated to twelve community
agencies and four limited-purpose agencies operat-
ing in the State. The State of Maryland accepted
responsibility for the anti-poverty program in fis-
cal year 1982.
Agencies funded by the Community Services
Block Grant Program include: Allegany County
Human Resource Development Commission, Inc.;
Anne Arundel County Economic Opportunity
Committee, Inc.; Baltimore City Urban Services
Agency; Human Resources Development Agency
of Baltimore County, Inc.; Dorchester Communi-
ty Development Corp.; Frederick Community
Center; Garrett County Community Action Com-
mittee, Inc.; Howard County Community Action
Council, Inc.; Montgomery County Community
Action Agency; Washington County Community
Action Council, Inc.; Shore Up!, Inc.; Southern
Maryland Tri-County Community Action Com-
mittee, Inc.; United Communities Against Pover-
ty; Maryland Food Committee; Maryland Rural
Development Corp.; and Spanish-Speaking Com-
munity of Maryland, Inc.
Tara Baife Clifford, Coordinator
Telephone: 974-2854
Maryland assumed administration of the Small
Cities Community Development Block Grant Pro-
gram in 1987. The Program was formerly under
the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban De-
velopment. The Program funds eligible "nonen-
titlement" local governments to carry out compre-
hensive community development activities,
including housing, economic development, com-
mercial revitalization, and community infrastruc-
ture. The activities either must benefit low- and
moderate-income families; help prevent or elimi-
nate slums and blight; or meet urgent local com-
munity development needs. Funds for special
projects, including imminent threat grants to com-
munities, also are provided by the Program.
The Maryland Program requires all Program
activities to further those major federal purposes
mentioned above. The federal purposes are refined
by the Maryland Program to conform to Mary-
land's economic and community development pri-
orities. The Program is especially designed to use
funds in ways that complement and extend State
assistance programs and public-private partner-
Cheryl D. Grice, Director
45 Calvert St.
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 333-2543
Formerly under the Department of Human Re-
sources, the Weatherization Assistance Program
became part of the Department of Housing and
Community Development in 1987 (Senate Bill no.
699). The Program funds local community based
service organizations to help low-income, elderly
and disabled or handicapped persons conserve en-
ergy. The Program contracts with seventeen local