Housing and Community Development/249
Jacqueline H. Rogers, Secretary of Housing and Community Development
Ardath M. Cade, Deputy Secretary
Vacancy, Principal Counsel
45 Calvert Street
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 974-3174
The Department of Housing and Community Development was created in 1987 (Senate Bill no. 699).
When the Department of Economic and Community Development was abolished in 1987, its housing
and community development responsibilities were assigned to the new Department of Housing and
Community Development.
Department programs are organized under four Divisions: Housing Finance (Community Develop-
ment Administration), Housing Insurance (Maryland Housing Fund), Community Assistance, and Cul-
tural Activities. Within the Division of Cultural Activities are the St. Mary's City Commission, the
Commission of Afro-American History and Culture, the Commission on Indian Affairs, the Maryland
Ethnic Heritage Commission, and the Maryland Historical Trust (Code 1957, Art. 41B, sees. 1-101
through 8-203).
The Secretary of Housing and Community De-
velopment is chief executive officer of the Depart-
ment and is appointed by the Governor with the
advice and consent of the Senate. The Secretary
sets policy, promulgates rules and regulations, and
determines the strategies necessary to fulfill the
Department's mandate effectively and efficiently.
The Secretary is responsible for the budget of the
Department and the budgets of the boards, com-
missions, and offices under Department jurisdic-
The Secretary is assisted in the administration
of the Department by the Deputy Secretary. The
Deputy Secretary is appointed by the Secretary
with the approval of the Governor.
Vacancy, Director
Telephone: 974-2120
The Office of Finance provides advice and tech-
nical support in financial management to the De-
partment's senior program directors and agencies.
It bears prime responsibility for developing De-
partmental budget proposals and projections,
maintaining fund accounts, and administering all
other financial matters of the Department.
Vacancy, Director
Telephone: 974-2120
The Office of Management Services provides
technical support to the Department's senior pro-
gram directors and agencies in various areas of
administrative management. It is responsible for
all personnel activities, and the purchasing and
procurement of products and services required for
Departmental programs. The Office also provides
comprehensive mailroom services, maintains liai-
son with building management to assure repair
and upkeep of grounds and facilities, and
monitors use of Departmental motor vehicles. It
reviews requests for proposals and contract
awards for compliance with State purchasing reg-
ulations. Additionally, the Office coordinates data
processing and word processing activities, and op-
erates the Department's central computer.