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Maryland Manual, 1987-88
Volume 183, Page 245   View pdf image (33K)
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business a file in which to preserve, for a period of
not less than five years, every prescription com-
pounded or dispensed.

The Board consists of eight members. Six are li-
censed pharmacists and two are consumer repre-
sentatives. All are appointed by the Governor
with the advice of the Secretary of Health and
Mental Hygiene for five-year terms. Each pharma-
cist member of the Board is selected from a list of
recommendations submitted by the Maryland
Pharmaceutical Association. Appointed with the
advice and consent of the Senate, the consumer
members cannot have had training as a pharma-
cist or have a financial interest in a related field.
Two members must be residents of Baltimore
City, two must be residents of the counties of the
State, and three must be from the State at large.
The Board may designate an executive director.

Authorization for the Board continues until Ju-
ly 1, 1993 (Code Health Occupations Article,
sees. 12-101 through 12-802).


Chairperson: Beverly B. Byron, 1989

William H. dowser, Jr, 1987; Harold Cordts,
Ed.D., 1987; George W. Gephart, 1987; Harold J.
Jennifer, Jr., 1987; Jerlyn A. Manuel, Ph.D.,
1987; Lois M. Shofer, Ph.D., 1987; Carl Edward
Smith, 1987; Heinz Walter Lenz, 1988; Sandra J.
Queen-Benson, 1988; Helen M. Stemler, 1988;
Agnes M. Taylor, 1988; Genie L. Wessel, R.N.,
1988; Robert G. Zeigler, Ed.D., 1988; Morton
Diamond, 1989; Jennie M. Forehand, 1989;
Norman Locksley, Ph.D., 1989; Judith C. Mero,
1989; Thomas A. Pearson, M.D., Ph.D., 1989;
Nelson Butler, Ed.D., 1990; Arthur V. Curtis, Jr.,
Ph.D., 1990; Larry T. Hughes, 1990; Lewis A.
Lyon, 1990; James E. Narron, 1990; Pamela
Shriver, 1990.

Executive Director: Linda Vanderhoff

201 W. Preston St.
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 225-5888

The State Commission on Physical Fitness was
created in 1963 (Chapter 606, Acts of 1963). The
Commission works to protect and improve the
physical fitness of the residents of this State. It
disseminates information about physical fitness,
and collects and assembles information from State
departments and agencies. To further its work,
the Commission maintains liaison with the State

Health and Mental Hygiene/245

Department of Education, the City of Baltimore
and county Boards of Education, private and pa-
rochial schools, and physical fitness commissions.

The Commission consists of twenty-five mem-
bers appointed by the Governor with the advice of
the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene.
Members serve four-year terms and are chosen for
their interest or experience in physical fitness for
both youth and adults. The Governor designates
the chairperson. The Secretary of Health and
Mental Hygiene appoints the Executive Director.

The Governor also appoints in each county and
the City of Baltimore a local Physical Fitness
Commission, composed of from fifteen to twenty-
five residents of the particular political subdivi-
sion. The Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene
designates the chairperson of each local Commis-
sion (Code Health—General Article, sees. 13-401
through 13^12).


Chairperson: Dilys A. Williams, P.T.

Lament B. Smith, P.T., 1987; Marilyn G. Booher,
P.T, 1988; Charles M. Dilla, P.T, 1989; William
D. Hodges, P.T., 1989; Aloha J. McCullough,

Executive Director: Mildred Wittan

201 W. Preston St.
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 225-5885

Created in 1947, the State Board of Physical
Therapy Examiners examines, licenses, and regis-
ters physical therapists and physical therapy as-
sistants who wish to practice in Maryland (Chap-
ter 606, Acts of 1947).

The Board consists of six members appointed to
five-year terms by the Governor with the advice
of the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene.
Five members are licensed physical therapists. Of
these, at least four must be engaged primarily in
the clinical practice of physical therapy in Mary-
land. Each physical therapist member must be en-
gaged in the profession of physical therapy in this
state and, immediately prior to appointment, must
have at least five years experience in physical ther-
apy administration, education, practice, or re-
search. The fifth member is a consumer. Physical
therapist members are chosen from lists submitted
to the Governor and the Secretary of Health and
Mental Hygiene by the American Physical Ther-
apy Association of Maryland. The consumer


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Maryland Manual, 1987-88
Volume 183, Page 245   View pdf image (33K)
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