200/Mary land Manual
Authorization for the Board continues until Ju-
ly 1, 1991 (Code Environment Article, sees.
12-101 through 12-602).
Chairperson: Estelle G. Cohen, 1988
George F. Easterday; Leo P. Ford; Joseph H.
Gribble; Donald S. Newman; Roger E. Simon;
Charles A. Wheeler. Terms expire 1988.
201 W. Preston St.
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 225-5850
The State Board of Well Drillers was created in
1968 (Chapter 584, Acts of 1968). It was trans-
ferred to the Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene in 1980 (Executive Order 01.01.1980.04).
The Board was placed under the Department of
the Environment in 1987 (Senate Bill no. 671).
The Board administers the licensing program
for well drillers. It issues licenses in the following
categories: Master well driller; journeyman well
driller; apprentice well driller, classes A and B;
pump installer; water conditioning installer; well
driver; and well digger. The Board requires that
all licensed individuals meet statutory require-
ments of insurance and bonding. The Board re-
ceives complaints against well drillers, holds hear-
ings, and may revoke or suspend licenses for
violation of the Board's rules and regulations.
Any rule or regulation concerning the drilling of
wells proposed by the Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene must be referred to the Board for
The Board consists of seven members who serve
two-year terms. They are appointed by the Gover-
nor, with the advice of the Secretary of the Envi-
ronment and the advice and consent of the Senate.
One member each represents the Eastern Shore,
Central Maryland and Baltimore City, Southern
Maryland, and Western Maryland. Regional
members must be licensed well drillers, actively
engaged in the well drilling business in the State
at the time of their appointment. Of the remaining
three members, one must represent the public at
large and serve as Board chairperson. One mem-
ber represents the Department of Natural Re-
sources and one the Department of the Environ-
Authorization for the Board continues until Ju-
ly 1, 1991 (Code Environment Article, sees.
13-101 through 13-602).