and State grant funds for construction of treat-
ment facilities, reviews and approves design plans
for water and sewerage treatment construction,
and conducts initial and final inspection of such
construction. In addition, the Administration pro-
tects shellfish-growing and recreational waters,
and residential on-site water and sewerage facili-
The Administration works through three pro-
grams: Municipal and Construction Grants and
Permits, Inspection and Compliance, and Plan-
ning and Evaluation.
Chairperson: Colin K. Thacker, 1987
Donald L. Elmore, 1988; Melvin T. Joye, R.S.,
1989; Edgar A. Woods, 1989; Richard J. Gebken,
R.S., 1990; Walter L. Hill, 1990; Alfred G.
Matthews, 1990; Patricia Anne Schwaninger,
1991; Raymond W. Spence, Jr., 1991.
201 W. Preston St.
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 225-5850
The State Board of Environmental Sanitarian
Registration was created in 1969 as the Board of
Sanitarian Registration (Chapter 434, Acts of
1969). It adopted its present name in 1984 (Chap-
ter 560, Acts of 1984). Formerly under the De-
partment of Health and Mental Hygiene, the
Board became part of the Department of the En-
vironment in 1987 (Senate Bill no. 671).
Registered environmental sanitarians perform
inspections and investigational services to promote
and maintain environmental health and secure
compliance with public health laws and regula-
tions. Their work concerns public health aspects
of the environment from the manufacture, prepa-
ration, handling, distribution, or sale of food and
milk; water supply and treatment; wastewater
treatment and disposal; solid waste management
and disposal; vector control; insect and rodent
control; air quality; noise control; product safety;
recreational sanitation; and institutional and resi-
dential sanitation. The Board issues licenses to ap-
plicants who qualify as registered environmental
sanitarians. The Board also issues certificates of
eligibility to applicants awaiting examination.
The Board consists of nine members appointed
to five-year terms by the Governor upon recom-
mendation of the Secretary of the Environment
and with the advice and consent of the Senate.
Seven members must be registered environmental
sanitarians, and two members must be consumers
who are not trained as registered environmental
sanitarians and have no financial interest in a re-
lated field. The Board conducts examinations and
keeps a register of all applicants for registration.
Authorization for the Board continues until Ju-
ly 1, 1989 (Code Environment Article, sees.
11-101 through 11-502).
Chairperson: Norman R. Connell, 1987
Paula S. Thomas, 1989; Franklin E. Jamerson,
1990; Robert A. Menke, 1990; Robert T. Mohr,
1990; Darryl W. Palmer, 1990; Kenneth N.
Oliver, 1990; Frederick Streett, 1990; Edith T.
Walker, 1990; two vacancies.
201 W. Preston St.
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 225-5852
The State Board of Waterworks and Waste Sys-
tems Operators was created in 1967 (Chapter 430,
Acts of 1967). The Board was transferred from
the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to
the Department of the Environment in 1987 (Sen-
ate Bill no. 671).
The Board certifies superintendents and opera-
tors of waterworks and waste systems to protect
the public health and to prevent pollution. The
Board evaluates applications, prepares and autho-
rizes examinations, and issues certificates to quali-
fied persons.
The Board consists of eleven members. Eight
are appointed by the Governor. They represent
one or more of the following constituencies or dis-
ciplines: municipal government, county govern-
ment, sanitary or metropolitan commissions, wa-
terworks supervision, wastewater or industrial
wastewater works supervision, and agriculture, as
well as one representative of the Department of
Natural Resources. The Secretary of the Environ-
ment appoints three members of the Board. They
include one engineer representative from the De-
partment of the Environment and two public
members. Members serve four-year terms, except
for the Department of the Environment represen-
tative who serves at the pleasure of the Secretary.