570/Maryland Manual
Somerset-Worcester Foster Care Review
Board—Somerset County members
Evelyn H. Odoms Hall, 1985; Robert S.
Dunkin, 1987; Gertrude J. Stevenson, 1987.
Children's Council
Caroline Johnson and Ruth Todd, Co-chair-
Commission on the Aging
Sherri L. Marshall, Chairperson
Recreation and Parks
Robert J. Purnell, Director
Recreation and Parks Commission
Eimo Dryden, County Commissioner; Donnie
Chelton; Samuel Davis; Robert Kelly; Van
Muir; DeWayne Whittington.
Planning and Building
Planning and Zoning
Vacancy, Director
Planning and Zoning Commission
King B. Miller III, Chairperson, 1985; Eimo
Dryden, 1986; Robert L. Chamberlain, Jr.,
1987; James T. Sterling, Jr., 1987; Nolan K.
Good, 1988; Richard Murray, 1988; Arthur
H. Tawes, for County Commissioners.
Zoning Inspector
James Windsor
Board of Zoning Appeals
J. Lowell Stoltzfus, Chairperson, 1986; Hor-
ace Webster, 1985; Robert A. Pinto, Jr.,
1986. Alternates: James B. Williams, 1986;
Clarence Wilson, 1987.
Technical and Community Services
Ronald D. Atkins, Director
Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board
John Murray, Chairperson; John L. Ent, Sr.;
Ralph Lankford; H. William Overholt; Wil-
liam G. Vessey. Terms expire 1989.
District Forestry Board
Richard M. Pollitt, Jr., Chairperson, 1987; T.
Boise Beauchamp, Jr., 1985; Robert Owens,
1985; Jackson L. Cook, 1986.
Historic District Commission
John Jeffries, Chairperson
Sanitary Commission
Robert C. Street, Sr., Chairperson, 1985;
Mabel Bozman, 1987; Betty Ray Tyier,
1987; Norris A. Dashiell, 1988; Charlene
Kelly, 1988.
Roads Board
Board of County Commissioners, ex officio.
William Daugherty, Clerk.
Roads Engineer
Robert Maddox
Airport Commission
Harold Sauter, Chairperson
Alcoholic Beverages
Board of Liquor License Commissioners
Francis Ballard, 1985; Steve Marshall, 1985;
Mary Ann Ward, 1985.
Liquor Control Board
0. Melvin Bozman, 1987; Carl L. Outten,
1987; H. Carlton Drewer, 1987.
Tidewater Affairs
Oystermen's Tongers Advisory Committee
Roland H. Evans, Chairperson; Edgar
Brimer; Eddie Evans; David Lee Laird;
Johnnie C. Marshall.
Oystermen's Dredgers Advisory Committee
Jessie Thomas, Chairperson
Extension and Soil Conservation Services
Extension Agents
Geraldine W. Hammond, County Director;
Julie Homer; June W. Rhodes; Joseph W.
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
Frederick W. Nelson, Chairperson, 1986;
Willard L. Smith, Sr., 1985; William Colt-
man, 1987; William Ralph Smith, 1989;
Cecil Schrock (County appointee); Joseph W.
Trumbauer, Extension Agent, Secretary (non-
voting). Richard W. Hardy, District Conserva-
tion ist.
County Seat: Easton 21601
Origin: The form of the creation of this county is
not known, but was probably by virtue of an
order of the Governor in Council. It was in
existence by February 18, 1661/62, when a writ
was issued to the sheriff.