568/Maryland Manual
Electrical Board
Kirk Sterling, Chairperson
Electrical Inspector
George Wiggins
County Engineer
John B. Norris, Jr.
Road Supervisor/Engineer
Dennis Raley
Airport Commission
Thomas Howard, Chairperson
Alcoholic Beverages
Alcoholic Beverages Board
J. Frank Wilkinson, Chairperson; Gaylord P.
Aschenbeck; Leon A. Cullison, Jr.; Virginia
H. Sapp. Terms expire 1985.
Tidewater Affairs
Oystermen's Tongers Advisory Committee
Daniel L. Burch Jr.; Eddie Da vis; Harry
Huseman; James Ernest Woodall.
Extension and Soil Conservation Services
Extension Agents
Florence B. Lanham, County Director; David
L. Chapman; Daniel J. Donnelly; Beatrice
Marie Gardiner; Edward L. Swecker; Patri-
cia S. White.
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
James B. Beaven, Chairperson, 1987; James
H. Woodburn, 1985; Aubrey Mattingly,
1986; A. E. Vernon Saunders, 1989; John
Sivak (County appointee); Daniel J. Don-
nelly, Extension Agent, Secretary (non-voting).
John W. Hall IV, District Conservationist;
Timothy Frink, District Manager.
County Seat: Princess Anne 21853
Origin: Created by an Order in Council in 1666.
Name: Named after Mary Somerset, sister-in-law
of Cecilius Calvert, Second Lord Baltimore.
Form of Government: County Commissioners
County Code: See Code of the Public Local Laws of
Somerset County (1977) with supplements.
Area: 374.26 sq. miles (338.41 land, 35.85 water)
Population. 1900: 25,923; 1950: 20,745; 1960:
19,623; 1970: 18,924; 1980: 19,188.
Principal Incorporated Places (1980 census):
Crisfield (2,924), Princess Anne (1,499)
Principal Unincorporated Places (1980 census):
Lawsonia (1,687)
Voter Registration, Oct. 8, 1984. Democrat: 6,771;
Republican: 3,010; Other Parties and Decline to
Affiliate: 440; Total: 10,221.
Per Capita Income (1980): $5,195
State Parks: Janes Island (3,060 acres)
Colleges/Universities: University of Maryland—
Eastern Shore, Princess Anne
Museums/Historical Societies: Somerset County
Historical Society, Teackle Mansion, Princess
Anne 21853; Tawes Museum, Crisfield 21817
Princess Anne 21853 Circuit Court: 651-1555
District Court: 651-0955
Court Terms:
Circuit Court—Grand Jury and Petit Jury, third
Monday in February and September.
Orphans' Court Days—Tuesdays, 1:00 P.M.
Circuit Court Resident Judge
Lloyd L. Simpkins, 1991
Circuit Court Clerk
I. Theodore Phoebus, 1986