526/Maryland Manual
Hospital Board
F. David Schaeffer, President, 1986; John L.
Annacost, County Commissioner; Charles
Graf, Administrator and Executive Vice-Presi-
Mental Health, Alcoholism, and Drug
Advisory Committee
Rev. James Talley, Chairperson, 1985; Dr.
Frank D. Ashbum, 1985; Rev. Bert Benz,
1985; Paul Bowersox, 1985; Joseph Broth-
man, 1985; Joel Hoskowitz, 1985; Brooks
Leahy, 1985; Liv Myers, 1985; Dr. Edward
Boris, 1986; Rev. Loren Gisselbeck, 1986;
Alan Katz, 1986; Stephanie Richardson,
1986; Vincent J. Fiocco, 1987; Margaret
Mullen, 1987; Kirby Phillips, 1987; Dr.
Helen Wolf, 1987; Mildred Cherubin, ex
Board of Education
T. Edward Lippy, President. 1990; Elizabeth
B. Gehr, Vice-President, 1986; M. Anne
Miller, 1988; John D. Myers, Jr., 1988; Rob-
ert L. Fletcher, 1990.
Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Olin L. Adams, Jr., 1988
Carroll County Branch of Catonsville
Community College
Dr. Henry Linck, Administrator
Carroll County Branch of Catonsville
Community College, Advisory Board
John Salonay, Chairperson
Board of Library Trustees
Mrs. Gene Gartrell, 1985; Col. James Com-
ings, 1986; Mrs. Kenneth Holniker, 1986;
Frank Batavick, 1987; Mary Lou Dewey,
1987; Henry J. Romanowski, 1988; Irwin J.
Meyer, 1989.
Martha M. Makosky
Social Services
Social Services Board
Pastor Claude Hughes, Chairperson, 1985;
Elsie Arbaugh, 1985; Ellen Arnold, 1985;
Luann Frebertshauser, 1986; Rev. Kirk Mon-
roe, 1986; Helen Witte, 1986; John A.
Green, 1987; Sharon Miles, 1987; J. Jeffrey
Griffith, County Commissioner.
Director of Social Services
Lowell T. Haines
Foster Care Review Board
Stephen E. Doweary; Mary Ellen Elwell;
Kathleen M. Farrell; Jacqueline Hyatt;
Charles Seitz. Terms expire 1986. Alternates:
Linda M. Downes, 1988; Susan S. Rosenz-
weig, 1988.
Disabled Persons Review Board
Alan L. Katz, Chairperson
Children's Council
Delmas Wood III, Chairperson
Commission on Aging
G. Wilbur Boiler, Chairperson, 1985
Community Services Program
Patricia J. Price, Coordinator
Bureau of Aging
Jolene Gingrow, Chief
Board of Governors of the Farm Museum
George Grier, Chairperson, 1986; Joanne
Hunter, Director.
Camp Hashawha Board of Governors
Samuel Greenholtz, Chairperson; Barry L.
Bosley, Program Supervisor.
Department of Parks and Recreation
John Little, Director; Richard Soisson, Chief.
Bureau of Grounds Maintenance
Michael Whitson, Chief
Parks and Recreation Board
Harvey S. Carr, Chairperson
Planning, Building, and Inspections
Planning and Zoning Commission
Harry B. Dougherty, Sr., Chairperson, 1985;
William V. Lauterbach, Jr., County Commis-
sioner; Russell H. Brehm, 1986; Barbara
Jean Dixon, 1988; Louis J. Pecoraro, 1988;
James Schwartz.
Board of Zoning Appeals
John Totura, Chairperson, 1986; Albert W.
Selby, 1985; John Fitz, 1987. Alternates:
Samuel Greenholz, 1985; Woodrow Raver,
1985. James Norvell, Secretary.
Department of Planning and Development
Edmund R. Cueman, Director
Bureau of Planning and Zoning
Jeanne Joiner, Assistant Director; Mrs. Sol-
veig Smith, Zoning Administrator.