Board of Education
Ann Billmeier Collier, President, 1987; Ruth
Nichols Mink, 1986; William Ecker, 1988;
George W. Fisher, Sr., 1988; Robert A.
Thomton, Jr. 1989; Clarence W. Phillips,
Jr, 1989.
Superintendent of Schools
William Ecker, 1988
Chesapeake College Board of Directors—
Caroline County members
A. Orrell Saulsbury III, 1986; Byard
Franklin Ricketts, 1988.
Board of Library Trustees
Frank D. Zeigler, Jr., President, 1988; Bern-
ice Dobson, 1985; Daniel A. Philips, 1986;
Sonya White, 1986; Robert E. Jarrell, 1987;
Joan C. Spicer, 1987; Rebecca N. Turner,
Library Administrator
George A. Sands, Jr.
Social Services
Board of Social Services
Jean Louis Marchand, Chairperson, 1986;
John S. LeGates, County Commissioner,
1985; Melvin S. Holmes, 1985; Sister Mau-
reen Toy, 1985; Delpha Wright, 1985; Betty
Schevel, 1986; George W. Fisher, 1987;
James L. Gallagher, 1987; Agnes Z. Orban,
Social Services Director
Joseph J. Combs
Foster Care Review Board—Caroline County
Valerie Davis Miller, 1986. Alternates: Donna
M. Spencer, 1986; Artis V. Truxon, 1986.
Interagency Committee
Mary Lou Parsons, Chairperson; Duane
Arnold; Robert Brannick; Corrine Cephus
Brown; James Byrd; Michael Campbcll; Glo-
ria Nichols Dill; Vera Hollis; Donna Horsey;
Rowena Lynch; John Nussear; Donald
Parks; Barbara VandeVisser.
Caroline County Commission on Aging, Inc.
Father Raymond Christ, Chairperson, 1984;
Doris Bebee, 1985; Francis M. Rogers, 1985;
Ellen Behike, 1984; Margaret M. Jolley,
1984; Clarence C. Kibler, 1984; Mary Rost,
1984; Doris Wolter, 1984.
Caroline County/523
Committee for the Promotion of Programs and
Employment for the Handicapped
Carolyn Shull, Chairperson
Planning and Building
Planning Commission
Philip E. Reed, Chairperson, 1986; Charles
T. Dean, Sr., County Commissioner, 1986;
Dawson H. Carroll, 1985; David Eugene
Harris, 1987; Thomas Shipley, 1987; Namon
Palmer, 1988; David F. Tribbett, 1988.
County Planner/Zoning Administrator
Elizabeth Krempasky
Economic Development Commission
Robert L. Willey, Chairperson. 1987; William
A. Jones, 1985; Torbert Williamson, 1985;
Lee McMahan, 1986; J. D. Neal, 1987;
Michael Hollick, 1988; W. A. Stewart
Wright, Jr., 1988.
Economic Development Administrator
Paul S. Wise
Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board
Gary L. Schoonover, Chairperson; F. Pierce
Adams; Richard A. Edwards; David B.
Nagel; Walter B. Steward.
Roads Board
John S. LeGates, Chairperson, 1986; County
Commissioners, ex officio.
Roads/Public Works Superintendent
Charles E. Emerson, Jr.
Recreation and Parks Director
Elinor Whaley
Recreation and Parks Advisory Board
William Brown, 1987; Linda Fairbanks,
1987; Eleanor Voshell, 1987; Gary Bee,
1988; James Bilbrough, 1988; Thomas Blunt,
1988; Anne Billmeier Collier; Philip E.
Reed; Earl R. Bell, County Commissioner.
Courthouse Green Committee
Margaret Myers, Chairperson: Betty C. Calla-
han; Ermine A. Christian; Stark McLaughlin;
James Owen Knotts Walsh.
Inspection and Licensing
Deputy Codes Inspector
Boston Lister