Tidewater Affairs
Oystermen's Tongers Advisory Committee
Owen Carroll, Chairperson; George Bowen;
Gerald Bracken; Louie W. Humphreys, Jr.;
Claude Mister.
Extension and Soil Conservation Services
Extension Agents
William H. Gaiser, County Director; Jacque-
line M. Gray; Ruth K. Miller; George B.
Spence, Jr.
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
Wilbur P. Ward, Jr., Chairperson. 1986;
Donald C. Gott, 1985; Calvert W. Norfolk,
1988; Young D. Hance, 1989; Oliver S. Cox
(County appointee); George B. Spence, Jr.,
Extension Agent, Secretary (non-voting). Hag-
ner Reid Mister, District Conservationist.
County Seat: Denton 21629
Origin: Created by Chapter 10, Acts of 1773, from
Dorchester and Queen Anne's counties.
Name: Lady Caroline Eden, the sister of the last
Lord Baltimore, gave her name to this County.
Form of Government: County Commissioners
County Code: See Code of the Public Local Laws of
Caroline County (1965) with supplements.
Area: 324.39 sq. miles (320.79 land, 3.60 water)
Population. 1900,- 16,248; 1950: .18,234; I960:
18,462; 1970: 19,781; 1980: 23,143.
Principal Incorporated Places (1980 census):
Federalsburg (1,952), Denton (1,927),
Greensboro (1,253)
Voter Registration, Oct. 8, 1984. Democrat: 6,435;
Republican: 2,714; Other Parties: 1; Decline to
Affiliate: 524; Total: 9,674.
Per Capita Income (1980): $6,890
State Parks: Martinak (120 acres), Tuckahoe
(3,435 acres—1,523 acres in Caroline County,
1,912 acres in Queen Anne's County)
Museums/Historical Societies: Caroline County
Historical Society, P. 0. Box 160, Greensboro
Caroline County/521
Circuit Court
P.O. Box 458
Market St.
Denton 21629 Telephone: 479-1811
District Court
P. 0. Box 429
District Court Multi-Service Center
Third and Randolph Sts.
Denton 21629 Telephone: 479^609
Court Terms:
Circuit Court—Grand Jury, first Monday in April
and November.
Orphans' Court Days—Tuesdays
Circuit Court Resident Judge
J. Owen Wise, 1999
Circuit Court Clerk
F. Dale Minner, 1986
District Court Judge
L. Edgar Brown, 1986. Grace R. Achuff,
Administrative Clerk; Joyce A. Ward, Clerk.
Orphans' Court Judges
Robert F. Schreiber, Chic/Judge, 1986;
Thomas L. Trice HI, 1986; Frank D. Zeig-
ler, 1986.
Register of Wills
Charles V. Moore, 1986
Louis C. Andrew, 1986
State's Attorney
Starke M. Evans, 1986
District Public Defender
Daniel J. Saunders