Lawyers and the American College of Probate Counsel;
American Judicature Society; fellow, Maryland Bar
Foundation; vice-president, Maryland State Bar Associa-
tion, 1960-1961. State's attorney for Queen Anne's
County, 1951-1954; county commissioner, Queen Anne's
County, 1954-1958; attorney to the Board of Appeals of
Queen Anne's County, 1961-1971; chairman, Governor's
Commission on City-County Fiscal Relations,
1959-1963. Judge, District Court, District 2, 1971-1978.
Married; 3 children.
DALE R. CATHELL. First Judicial Circuit, 1981—.
Born in Berlin, July 30, 1937. Attended Buckingham
Elementary School; Stephen Decatur High School; Uni-
versity of Maryland, 1962-1964; University of Baltimore,
LL.B., 1967. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1967.
Served in U.S. Air Force, 1955-1959. Member, Ameri-
can, Maryland State, and Worcester County Bar Associa-
tions. City Attorney for Ocean City; member, Worcester
County Shoreline Commission; Charter Revision Com-
mittee; organizer, Legal Intern Program. Judge, District
2, District Court of Maryland, 1980-1981. Married; 3
WILLIAM MacKENZIE CAVE. Sixth Judicial Circuit,
1978—. Born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, February 4,
1934. Attended Montgomery County public schools;
University of Maryland, B.A., 1958; University of Mary-
land School of Law, LL.B., 1961; J.D., 1969. Served in
the U.S. Army. Member, Maryland State Bar Associa-
tion. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1961. Assistant
state's attorney, Montgomery County, 1967-1971; depu-
ty state's attorney, Montgomery County, 1971; judge,
Maryland District Court, Montgomery County,
1971-1978. Married; 2 children.
JAMES C. CAWOOD, JR. Fifth Judicial Circuit,
1982—. Born in Washington, D.C., June 4, 1936. At-
tended St. Anselm's Priory High School; Georgetown
University, A.B. (magna cum laude), 1958; Georgetown
University Law School, LL.B., 1961. Admitted to the
Maryland Bar, 1961. Served in the U.S. Marine Corps
Reserve, 1953-1964. Member, American, Maryland
State, District of Columbia, and Anne Arundel County
Bar Associations. Member, Power Plant Siting Program,
1971-1982 (chairman, 1978-1982). President, Regional
Parish Council, and member, Archdiocesan Pastoral
Council of the Roman Catholic Church. Married; 7
HOWARD S. CHASANOW. Seventh Judicial Circuit,
1977—. Born in Washington, D.C., April 3, 1937.
Attended the University of Maryland, B.A., 1958; Uni-
versity of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1961; Harvard
Law School, LL.M., 1962. Admitted to the Maryland
Bar, 1961. Served in the U.S. Air Force. Member,
Maryland State Bar Association; vice-chairman, Mary-
land Sentencing Guidelines Advisory Board; director,
Prince George's County Bar Association; former chair-
man, Maryland State Bar Association Judicial Adminis-
tration Section; former chairman. Prince George's Coun-
ty Bar Association Professional Ethics Committee,
1973-1978; former chairman, Judicial Conference Crimi-
nal Law Committee, 1976-1979; former chairman, Mary-
land State Bar Association Criminal Law Section. For-
Circuit Court Biographies/447
mer assistant and deputy state's attorney for Prince
George's County, 1963-1969; judge, District Court of
Maryland, 1971-1977; lecturer. University of Maryland
School of Law, 1973—; faculty member, National Judi-
cial College, Reno, Nevada, 1980—. Married; 1 child.
FRANK E. CICONE. Third Judicial Circuit, 1974—;
Circuit Administrative Judge. Born in Italy, May 26,
1920. Attended Pennsylvania public schools; George-
town University, B.S., 1948; University of Baltimore Law
School, LL.B., 1956. Admitted to the Maryland Bar,
1958. Served in the U.S. Army and retired as Major due
to wounds sustained in combat. Member, American
Justinian Society; Associated Italian-American Charities.
Married; 3 children.
GUY J. CICONE. Fifth Judicial Circuit, 1976—. Born
in Weirton, West Virginia, September 20, 1918. Attended
Baltimore City College; University of Maryland; Loyola
College, B.S., 1957; University of Maryland, LL.B., 1952.
Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1952. Served in the U.S.
Armed Forces. Assistant city solicitor, Baltimore City,
1958-1959; assistant attorney general for Maryland,
1962-1976; master examiner, Circuit Court for Howard
County, 1971-1976. Member, Second District Democrat-
ic Club; Order of the Sons of Italy, Howard County; Fort
Meade Golf Club. Married.
RICHARD JOHN CLARK. Seventh Judicial Circuit,
1980—. Born in Washington, D.C., June 20, 1942.
Attended Gonzaga College High School, Washington,
D.C.; Catholic University of America; University of
Maryland, B.A., 1965; University of Maryland School of
Law, LL.B., 1969. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1969.
Juvenile master for Charles County; public defender,
District 4; associate judge, District Court of Maryland,
1976-1980. Member, Knights of Columbus. Married; 2
ALBERT P. CLOSE. Third Judicial Circuit, 1967—.
Born in Bel Air, February 21, 1918. Attended St. James
School, Hagerstown; St. John's College, B.A., 1938;
University of Maryland, LL.B., 1942. Admitted to the
Maryland Bar, 1946. Served in the U.S. Marine Corps.
Member, American, Maryland State, and Harford Coun-
ty Bar Associations. Trial magistrate and judge of the
People's Court, Harford County. Member, Susquehanna
Law Club. Married; 8 children.
Circuit, 1980—. Born in Perryville, September 4, 1934.
Dickinson College, B.A., 1956; University of Maryland
School of Law, J.D., 1961; City of London College,
London, England, course in international law. Admitted
to the Maryland Bar, 1961. Served in the U.S. Army,
1956-1958. Member, Cecil County Bar Association (past
president); Maryland State's Attorneys Association (past
vice-president); National District Attorneys Association.
State's Attorney for Cecil County, 1967-1980. Married; 2
cuit, 1977—. Born in Hagerstown, May 14, 1942.
Attended Hagerstown public schools; Hagerstown Junior
College; University of Maryland, B.A., 1965; University
of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1968. Admitted to the