ARTHUR M. AHALT. Seventh Judicial Circuit,
1982—. Born in Washington, D.C., April 27, 1942.
Attended Northwestern High School; University of
Maryland, B.S., 1964; American University Law School,
J.D., 1967. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1967. Mem-
ber, American, Maryland State, and Prince George's
County Bar Associations; Maryland Trial Lawyers Asso-
ciation, Inc.; District Advisory Board for Public Defend-
er System. Recipient, Distinguished Service Award,
Maryland State Bar Association; Outstanding Service
Award, Citizens Advisory Committee to the Pilot Law
Related Education Project for the Schools of Maryland.
Author of Domestic Relations Section of Maryland Law
Practice Manual and Law Related Education—A Ten
Year Experience. President, Prince George's County Bar
Association; member, Board of Governors, Maryland
State Bar Association; American Bar Association House
of Delegates; Prince George's County Chamber of Com-
merce. Married; 3 children.
MILTON B. ALLEN. Eighth Judicial Circuit, 1976—.
Born in Baltimore, December 10, 1917. Attended
Baltimore public schools; Coppin State, teacher's certifi-
cate, 1938; University of Maryland, LL.B., 1949. Admit-
ted to the Maryland Bar, 1948. Member, Maryland State,
Baltimore City, and Monumental City Bar Associations;
National District Attorneys Association; Maryland
State's Attorneys Association. Honorary member. Order
of the Coif, University of Maryland School of Law;
numerous distinguished service awards and citations.
Married; 3 children.
EDWARD J. ANGELETTI. Eighth Judicial Circuit,
1983—. Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, January 26,
1937. University of Maryland, B.A., 1962; University of
Maryland School of Law, LL.B./J.D., 1963. Admitted to
the Maryland Bar, 1963. Member, American, Maryland
State, and Baltimore City Bar Associations; American
Judicature Society. Served in the U.S. Army, 1955-1957.
Assistant state's attorney, Baltimore City, 1963-1967;
assistant public defender, Baltimore City, 1971-1979.
Judge, District Court for Baltimore City, 1981-1983.
Member, Archdiocesan Pastoral Council, Baltimore; Or-
der of the Sons of Italy in America, Maryland State
Lodge; NAACP (life member). Married; 3 children.
MARY ARABIAN. Eighth Judicial Circuit, 1974—.
Attended Baltimore City public schools; University of
Maryland, College Park; University of Maryland School
of Law. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1945. Member,
Maryland State, Baltimore, and Women's Bar Associa-
tions. Assistant city solicitor, Baltimore City, 1959;
assistant attorney general of Maryland, 1959-1961;
judge, Municipal Court of Baltimore City, 1961-1970;
judge, District Court of Maryland, 1970-1974. Woman
of the Year, Hebrew Noble Ladies, 1961; Woman of the
Year, Maryland Federation of Business and Professional
Women's Clubs, 1963; Americanism Award, Daughters
of the American Revolution, 1975. President, Alumni
Association of the University of Maryland School of
Law, 1959-1960; Board of Regents, University of Mary-
land, 1966-1967.
SAMUEL W. BARRICK. Sixth Judicial Circuit, 1969—,
Chief Judge. Born in Woodsboro, September 27, 1924.
Attended Frederick High School; Mercerburg Academy;
Gettysburg College, B.A., 1948; University of Maryland
School of Law, LL.B., 1952. Served as Navigational
Officer with Eighth Air Force during WW II. Admitted
to the Maryland Bar, 1952. Elected and served as State's
Attorney, 1954-1958, and State Senator, 1958-1962.
Served as County Attorney, 1963-1969. Delegate, Mary-
land Constitutional Convention, 1967. Delegate, Demo-
cratic National Convention, 1968. President, S. W.
Barrick & Sons, Inc., Woodsboro, Maryland. Member,
American and Frederick County Bar Associations. Past
member of the boards of directors of many Frederick
County civic organizations. Member, Evangelical Lu-
theran Church and past vice-president of the church
council. Married; 3 children.