184/Maryland Manual
The Division interprets and implements State
statute and State Board of Education bylaws
relating to the approval of all levels of nonpublic
education from nursery school through secondary
school. Certificates of approval are issued to ap-
proved schools.
The Division administers the General Education
Development (GED) testing program that leads to
the attainment of the Maryland high school diplo-
ma. It also administers the Maryland Professional
Development Academy and internal staff develop-
ment programs.
Velma R. Speight, Assistant State Superintendent
Telephone: 659-2400
The Division of Compensatory, Urban, and
Supplementary Programs administers and super-
vises federal and State programs designed to
improve the education of economically and socially
deprived children. The Division coordinates the
State leadership and administrative responsibilities
of these programs so as to provide maximum
support and supplementary services to Maryland's
local school systems.
The array of federal educational programs neces-
sitates coordination at the State level to ensure that
these supplementary services achieve legislative
intent and benefit to the greatest degree the school
children of Maryland. To carry out this work, the
Division is organized in four branches: Early
Childhood Education, Compensatory Education,
Migrant Education, and Pupil Services.
Richard J. Deasy, Assistant State Superintendent
Telephone: 659-2328
The Division of Instruction develops and recom-
mends to the State Superintendent policy guide-
lines for elementary and secondary school pro-
grams and services. These guidelines include cur-
riculum and adult continuing education in all
public schools and State agency educational pro-
grams. The Division evaluates education programs
to include the accountability program; ensures the
implementation of policies, guidelines, programs,
and services through staff development, program
audits, and supervision; and conducts conferences
of personnel of the county school systems on
matters relating to content, needs, and improve-
ments of schools. The Division prepares and
publishes pamphlets to stimulate public interest,
promote the work of education, and foster profes-
sional insight and efficiency in teachers. It also
cooperates with the Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene to develop public standards and
guidelines for school health programs.
The Division consists of five branches: Language
and Learning Improvement, General Curriculum,
Adult and Community Education, Program As-
sessment, and Career and Employability Develop-
Michael F. Sullivan, Assistant State Superintendent
Telephone: 337^101
The Division of Instructional Television pro-
vides innovative and timely instruction, via televi-
sion and media services, that contributes to the
achievement of public education priorities in
Maryland. Its three branches include Production,
Instructional Services, and Field Services.
The Division works with local education agen-
cies (LEAs), State Instructional Television Region-
al Advisory Boards, State ITV Curriculum Com-
mittees, ITV coordinators, divisions within the
State Department of Education, and the Maryland
Public Broadcasting Commission to serve State
education priorities.
Nettie B. Taylor, Assistant State Superintendent
Telephone: 659-2113
The Division of Library Development and Ser-
vices is responsible for the administration, direc-
tion, and budgetary development of State and
federal programs for improving library services in
public schools and public libraries throughout the
State. This includes: identification of needs; plan-
ning and development of recommendations for
library legislation; monitoring and evaluation of
ongoing programs; and dissemination of informa-
tion (Code Education Article, sec. 23-102 through
The Division also coordinates the State Library
Network, the center of which is the Enoch Pratt
Free Library. Three Regional Resource Centers
include the State Library Resource Center, the
McKeldin Library of the University of Maryland,
and the Eisenhower Library of Johns Hopkins