President: Frederick K. Schoenbrodt, 1985
Joanne T. Goldsmith, 1985; Rosetta G. Kerr, 1986; Albertine T. Lancaster, 1986; G. George Asaki, 1987;
Herbert L. Fishpaw, 1987; Mary Elizabeth Ellis, 1988; May B. Bolt, 1989; Lawrence A. Shulman,
David W. Hornbeck, Secretary-Treasurer of the Board and State Superintendent of Schools, 1988
Ellen M. Heller, Principal Counsel
200 W. Baltimore Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 659-2000
Public Information: 659-2205
A centralized administration of the Maryland public schools was attempted in 1865, but the General
Assembly did not establish the State Board of Education until 1870 (Ch. 311, Acts of 1870). The Board
makes policy for the public school system and passes the bylaws and regulations that govern it. The
Board's nine members are appointed by the Governor for staggered five-year terms. Chapter 539, Acts of
1976, made the State Department of Education, headed by the Board of Education, a principal
department of State government (Code Education Article, secs. 2-101 through 2-205).
The State Board of Education appoints the State Superintendent of Schools for a four-year term. The
Superintendent directs the State Department of Education and executes the policy and enforces the
regulations adopted by the Board (Code Education Article, secs. 2-301 through 2-303).
The State Department of Education consists of the State Superintendent of Schools and the professional
staff employed by the Board to assist him. The organization of the Department includes the Office of
Administration and Finance; Division of Certification and Accreditation; Division of Compensatory,
Urban, and Supplementary Programs; Division of Instruction; Division of Instructional Television;
Division of Library Development and Services; Division of Special Education; Division of Vocational
Rehabilitation; and Division of Vocational-Technical Education. Also within the Department are the
Office of Management Information Systems, the Maryland Advisory Council on Libraries; the
Governor's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped, the Attendant Care Program Advisory
Committee, and the Accountability Task Force.
John E. Tritt, Assistant State Superintendent
Telephone: 659-2648
The Office of Administration and Finance devel-
ops and implements State Department of Educa-
tion policies, procedures, and systems for adminis-
trative operations in such areas as Personnel
Services, Information Systems, and General Ser-
vices, as well as pupil transportation and school
food services.
Herman E. Behling, Jr., Assistant State Super-
intendent Telephone: 659-2141
The Division of Certification and Accreditation
both regulates and administers functions relating
to the certification of teachers and the accredita-
tion of nonpublic schools. Its four branches include
Teacher Education and Certification, Staff Devel-
opment, Nonpublic Schools Accreditation, and
General Education Development.
The Division issues certificates to teachers in the
public, nonpublie, and independent schools and in
various other institutions of the State. It interprets
certification standards and administers interstate
reciprocity in certification of teachers. The Divi-
sion also provides an advisory and consultative
service on school staffing.
The Division evaluates teacher education pro-
grams offered by State colleges and universities
and provides consultative services for the improve-
ment of such programs.