168/Maryland Manual
bers appointed to four-year terms by the Secretary
with the approval of the Governor. The Secretary
designates the chairperson and vice-chairperson
(Code 1957, An. 41, sec. 257D).
Luther B. Miller, Director
45 Calvert St.
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2711
Created in 1981, the Maryland Energy Financ-
ing Administration (MEFA) administers a pro-
gram of financial assistance for energy conserva-
tion and solar energy projects (Chapter 497, Acts
of 1981). MEFA also administers the Day Care
Facilities Loan Guarantee Fund. The fund offers
loan guarantees to day care providers who wish to
establish or expand capacity (Code 1957, Art. 41,
sec. 266LL).
Gerald L. McDonald, Assistant Secretary for
Economic Development
45 Calvert St.
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-3944
The Division of Economic Development has its
genesis in the former Department of Economic
Development (Chapter 185, Acts of 1959). In
1970, the Department of Economic and Communi-
ty Development was created to reflect a broadened
mandate by the Maryland General Assembly
(Chapter 527, Acts of 1970). In this restructuring,
the former Department became the Division of
Economic Development.
The Assistant Secretary for Economic Develop-
ment directs six programs in the Division: the
Office of Business and Industrial Development,
Maryland Industrial Training Program, Maryland
Small Business Development Financing Authority,
Maryland Industrial Development Financing Au-
thority, Office of Seafood Marketing, and Office of
Tourist Development. The goal of the Division is
to create jobs, increase income, and generate new
tax revenues. The Division acts to facilitate expan-
sion of resident business and industry and to
develop new business and industry. It also adminis-
ters the Maryland Industrial Land Act (MILA),
which helps local subdivisions acquire and develop
land and shell buildings for industrial use.
The Division publishes reference and promotion-
al materials and conducts advertising in national,
regional, and trade publications, which detail
Maryland's business and industrial advantages and
opportunities, tourist attractions, and seafood deli-
Michael S. Lofton, Program Director
45 Calvert St.
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-3514
Toll free: 1-800-OK GREEN
The Office of Business and Industrial Develop-
ment (BID) creates and implements an aggressive
marketing program to solicit new economic activi-
ty for the State. This program provides advice and
assistance to business and industry on plant loca-
tion and expansion, with particular expertise in
such matters as sites, buildings, labor, industrial
training, taxes, and financing. BID operates inter-
national satellite offices in Brussels and Tokyo to
encourage capital investment in Maryland by for-
eign corporations.
Also within BID is the Maryland Business
Assistance Center (MBAC), which is designed to
effectively inform business about State programs
and services. The Center provides the business
community with a direct point of contact with
State government and offers professional help to
companies seeking to expand in Maryland. Central
to this effort is a toll-free telephone line. The
Center also serves as an advocate for business in
dealing with government-related issues and prob-
Ray Adcock, Director
45 Calvert St.
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2631
The Maryland Industrial Training Program
(MITP) seeks to enhance the growth and develop-
ment of programs for new and expanding industry
locating in Maryland. To establish a new industry
in the State or expand an existing one requires a
trained workforce to enable a company to become
productive. The Maryland Industrial Training
Program provides a tailored program designed to
help recruit, select, and train personnel according
to a company's needs and specifications. The