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91'6/Maryland Manual







Trees, George L. ..........

............. 385

Turner, James .................

........ 757

Tregoe, Charles H. .........

............. 214

Turner, John ..................

........ 750

Tregoning, Douglas ........

............. 562

Turner, Katharine ..............

........ 536

Tremper, Edward 0. ........

............. 227

Turner, Maurice M. .............

........ 242

Treuth, Vemon L., Jr. .......

............. 157

Turner, Patricia F. ..............

........ 518

Trew, Joseph, Jr. ..........

............. 557

Turner, Samuel ................

........ 741

Trexler, James W. .........

............. 564

Turner, William ................

........ 523

Trias-Praticelli, Michael . . . . .

............. 241

Turner, Zephaniah ..............

........ 753

Tribbett, David F. .........

............. 526

Tumey, Jack R. ................

. 432, 466, 546

Trice, Jeanne H. ...........

............. 524

Tustian, Richard E. .............

.... .377,561

Trice, Thomas L., Ill .......

............. 524

Tustin, Allan R. ...............

........ 319

Trigonopolis, C. Stephen . . . . .

............. 537

Tutton, William ................

........ 142

Trimble, Barbara ..........

............. 398

Twigg, Connie M. ..............

........ 542

Trimble, Hugh B. .........

.......... .266, 547

Twigg, Susanna ................

......... 522

Trimble, Hugh B., Ill ......

.............. 333

Twining, Paul V., Jr. ............

........ 155

Trimble, William C., Jr. . . . . .

............... 39

Tydings, Joseph D. .............

.....400, 755

Trimmer, Donald L. ........

.............. 542

Tydings, Millard E. .............

. 745, 755, 759

Trimper, Granville .........

.............. 250

Tyier, Betty Ray ...............

........ 576

Trippe, Henry V. ..........

.............. 577

Tyier, Ralph S. ................

........ 142

Trippe, James McC. ........

.............. 745

Tyier, Steve G. ................

........ 348

Tritt, John E. ............

.............. 355

Tyier, W. Kenneth ..............

........ 485

Tromley, Gwen B. .........

.............. 330

Tynes, Donald .................

........ 275

Tross, Dorothy W. ........

.............. 254

Tysinger, Virginia Campbell .......

......... 206

Trotter, Decatur W. ........

.............. 564

Tyssowski, Millie ...............

......... 198

Troxler, G. William ........

.............. 359





Truby, T. James ..........

.............. 312





Truitt, Alfred T., Jr. ........

, . . . 427, 456, 538, 583

Udel, Florence .................

........ 437

Truitt, Dallas G. ..........

.......... .211, 346

Udel, George ..................

........ 179

Truitt, Gerald B., Jr. .......

.......... .158,489

Uehlinger, Gerard P. ............

........ 513

Truitt, James F. ...........

........... 142, 275

Uhler, Richard A. ..............

........ 518

Truitt, James F., Jr. ........

............. 278

Uhlig, Susan S. ................

....... 236

Truitt, John E. ............

............. 326

Uhn, Elmer ...................

........ 398

Trumbauer, Joseph W. ......

............. 576

Uhrig, Ruth ..................

........ 436

Trump, Benjamin ..........

............ .212

Ulle, Margaret B. ...............

.....200, 330

Trump, Benjamin F. ........

............. 227

Ulm, Daniel ..................

........ 583

Trump, Phyllis Knox ......

.............. 220

Ulrich, Catherine B. ............

......... 751

Truxon, Artis V. .........

.............. 526

Ulrich, John L., Jr. .............

......... 143

Tuck, Cora Lee ..........

.............. 555

Ulrich, Patrick .................

......... 533

Tuck, William H. .........

.......... .745, 750

Ulrich, Patrick J. ...............

......... 483

Tuck, William Hallam .....

.............. 746

Ulrich, Patrick John .............

......... 532

Tucker, Edith E. ..........

.............. 544

Umbarger, Worley N. ............

......... 552

Tucker, Robert ...........

.............. 508

Unangoil, Owen C. .............

......... 545

Tucker, Robert S. ..........

.............. 522

Underbill, Nancy ...............

......... 353

Tucker, Stanley W. .........

.............. 169

Underwood, Sarah T. ............

........ 562

Tucker, Susan ............

.............. 550

Unger, V. Edwin ...............

........ 274

Tucker, W. Howard ........

............. 554

Upp, John B. .................

........ 533

Tull, Miles T. ............

............. 741

Upshur, George M. .............

........ 745

Tully, Dennis ............

............. 487

Upton, Jack G. ................

........ 521

Tully, Edwin R. ...........

.......... .335, 337

Urner, Hammond ..............

......... 746

Tumbusch, Lillian .........

.............. 436

Urner, John H. ................

......... 436

Tumbusch, Wilfred T. .......


Usilton, Margaret D. ............

......... 239

Tuminello, James C. ........

.............. 286

Utermohle, C. Edward, Jr. ........

........ 332

Turc, William ............

.............. 482

Utz, Edward ..................

.... .432,459

Turem, Jerry S. ...........

............. 561





Turk, Morris .............

...... 428, 456, 504





Turk, Richard H. ..........

............. 325

Vacura, Gordon W. .............

........ 156

Turner, C. Rutledge .......

.............. 540

Valderrama, David M. ..........

......... 484

Turner, Carmen E. ........


Valdes, Israel, Sr. ..............

......... 241

Turner, Edzel ...........

.............. 578

Valenti, Sebastian .............

......... 284

Turner, Elbert ...........

.............. 522

Valentine, Douglas A. ..........

......... 582

Turner, Elbert T. ..........

.............. 487

Valeson, Kay .................

......... 522

Turner, H. Mebane ........

............. .400

Vallandingham, J. Bernard ........

......... 544

Turner, Hayward M. L. . . . . .

.......... .175,578

Vallario, Joseph F., Jr. ...........

...... .47, 124

Turner, Henry P. ..........

.............. 178

Valle, Francis J. ................

........ 412

Turner, J. Frank ..........

......... .742, 747

Valliant, James ................

........ 750


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