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Maryland Manual, 1983-84
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Name Index/915

Thomas, Marvin .......

............ .514, 554

Tilghman, Raymond T. ....

........... 175, 537

Thomas, Nicholas ......

............ .733, 744

Tilghman, William ........

.............. 753

Thomas, Paula S. .......

................ 222

Tillery, John, Jr. .........

.............. 550

Thomas, Peter P. .......

................ 239

Timanus, E. Clay .........

.............. 761

Thomas, Philip Francis . . .

. . 736, 742, 754, 757, 762

Timchula, Beatrice S. ......

.............. 205

Thomas, Richard .......

............ .744, 745

Timmons, Ralph A. .......

.............. 558

Thomas, Robert G. .....

................ 520

Timmons, W. Earl ........

.............. 385

Thomas, Robert J. ......

................ 542

Tinney, James P., Ill ......

.............. 285

Thomas, Robert M. .....

................ 515

Tippennan, Milt .........

.............. 542

Thomas, Suzanne .......

................ 569

Tippett, Albert ..........

.............. 535

Thomas, Thomas M. ....

............ .212, 550

Tisdale, John Hampton, III . .

.............. 543

Thomas, Thomas S. .....

................ 741

Tishler, Sidney ...........

.............. 386

Thomas, Virginia M. ....

............. 44, 124

Tittel, Art ..............

.............. 514

Thomas, William .......

................ 744

Tittsworth, William B., Jr. . .

.............. 143

Thomas, William H. .....

................ 746

Titus, Roger W. ..........

.............. 436

Thomas, William L. .....

................ 401

Toadvine, Purnell .........

.............. 751

Thompson, Alvin L. .....

................ 554

Tockman, Elizabeth H. .....

.............. 510

Thompson, Ann E. ......

................ 536

Todd, Rufus M. .........

.............. 539

Thompson, Audrey .....

................ 501

Todd, Ruth .............

.............. 575

Thompson, Carolyn C. ...

................ 385

Todd, William ...........

.............. 540

Thompson, Charles Awdry

................ 748

Tolbert, Janet ...........

.............. 519

Thompson, Charles W., Jr.

................ 528

Toll, John S. ......... 190,

296, 320, 362, 400, 417

Thompson, David ......

................ 357

Tolles, Sally ............

.............. 525

Thompson, Donald B., Jr. .

................ 487

Tolley, Calvert B. ........

........... 273, 332

Thompson, Gilbert ......

................ 588

Tolliver, Sheila M. ........

........... 129, 326

Thompson, H. Rodney . . .

................ 488

Tolman, David H. ........

.............. 484

Thompson, Katherine ....

................ 569

Tolson, H. Wrightson ......

.............. 570

Thompson, Kennieth F. . .

................ 274

Tolson, Joanna ..........

.............. 569

Thompson, Leslie B. .....

................ 289

Tolson, William H. .......

.............. 568

Thompson, Patrick E. ....

................ 568

Toizman, Alfred H. .......

.............. 160

Thompson, Phillip S. ....

................ 261

Tomasch, Gordon J. .......

.............. 320

Thompson, Richard L. ...

................ 157

Tome, Jacob ............

.............. 738

Thompson, Robert H. ....

................ 252

Tomko, Frank ...........

.............. 502

Thompson, Thomas A. ...

................ 483

Tomlinson, Edward A. .....

....... 293, 331, 333

Thompson, V. E. Gladstone

............... 542

Tommasello, Tony ........

.............. 206

Thomsen, Roszel C. .....

................ 477

Toms, Marvin E. .........

.............. 580

Thomson, James C., Jr. ...

................ 242

Tonat, Constance .........

.............. 484

Thomburgh, Richard ....


Toomer, Jean W. .........

.............. 554

Thome, J. Arthur, Mrs. . .

................ 543

Toporovich, Thomas ......

.............. 517

Thome, June ..........


Toscani, E. Edward .......

.............. 387

Thomton, Alan ........

................ 526

Toth, Judith C. ..........

. 44, 124, 241, 328, 329

Thomton, Carl L., Jr. ....

............ .525, 526

Totura, John ............

........... 384, 529

Thomton, Earlene ......

................ 543

Towers, Robert L. ........

.............. 525

Thoraton, John H. ......

................ 258

Town, May .............

........... 395, 396

Thomton, Theodore E., Sr.

. . 130, 153, 275, 278, 319,

Towns, Charles M. ........

.............. 578

320, 321, 333, 338, 394

Townsend, Jeanne ........

.............. 587

Thorp, Frank .........

............ .306, 314

Traband, Reginald A. ......

.............. 551

Throne, Morris N. ......


Tracey, John C. ..........

.......... .432, 559

Tibbets, David .........

................ 487

Tracey, John Charles ......

.............. 466

Tice, Josiah H., Jr. ......

................ 508

Trachtenberg, Lila ........

.............. 348

Tichenor, Robert H., Jr. . .

................ 161

Tracy, Fran .............

........... 196, 522

Tickner, Eleanor M. .....

................ 227

Trader, Harriet P. ........

....... 235, 359, 381

Tidwell, Fred ..........

................ 539

Trageser, David C. ........

.............. 345

Tieman, Luke .........

................ 741

Traglia, James J. .........

.......... .231,239

Tiemey, Philip .........

................ 561

Trail, Irwin P. ...........

.............. 399

Tiemey, Philip J. .......

................ 369

Trainor, Richard H. .......

.............. 382

Tilden, Samuel A. ......

................ 761

Tranter, Jack C. .........

........... .39, 141

Tildon, Charles G., Jr. ...


Traurig, Harry J. .........

.............. 291

Tildon, J. Tyson .......

................ 199

Travers, Calvin ..........

.............. 538

Tilghman, James .......

............ .733, 746

Travers, Carolyn .........

.............. 562

Tilghman, James, III ....

................ 753

Travers, Darley ..........

.............. 585

Tilghman, James R. .....

................ 588

Travers, Wilbert T., Jr. .....

212, 281, 294, 296, 335,

Tilghman, Matthew .....

... . . .733, 744, 749,751



351, 394

Tilghman, Oswald ......

................ 741

Travers, William H. .......

.............. 745

Tilghman, Philip Lee ....

................ 585

Travillian, Maurice ........

.............. 323


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Maryland Manual, 1983-84
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