86/Maryland Manual
SIDNEY KRAMER, Democrat, District 19. Born in Washington, D.C., July 8, 1925.
Attended Washington, D.C., public schools; George Washington University. Member,
Montgomery County Council, 1970-1974 (vice-president, 1974); Montgomery County
representative to Region IV Board of Governor's Commission on Law Enforcement
and the Administration of Justice, 1971-1974; chairman. Public Safety Policy Com-
mittee, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. Formerly vice-chairman,
Executive Committee, Montgomery United Way; president, Montgomery Chamber of
Commerce; director-at-large, Maryland Association for Retarded Citizens; member,
board of trustees. Holy Cross Hospital; president. Rotary Club of Silver Spring; chair-
man, Maryland Building Code Study Commission. Member, Governor's Commission
on Workmen's Compensation Laws; Advisory Board on Liability. Member of the Sen-
ate since 1978. Member, Constitutional and Public Law Committee; Executive Nomi-
nations Committee; chairman, Montgomery County Senate delegation. District office:
11500 Gilsan St., Silver Spring 20902; tel. 593-4525. Annapolis office: 212 James
Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3151.
JULIAN L. LAPIDES, Democrat, District 44. Bom in Baltimore, September 17,
1931. Attended Baltimore public schools; The Johns Hopkins University; Towson
State College, B.S., 1954; University of Maryland Law School, LL.B., 1961. Admitted
to Maryland Bar, 1965. Served with U.S. Army, 1954-1956. Member, Maryland Arts
Council; Commission on Hereditary Disorders. President, Mount Royal Democratic
Club. Member, American Antiquarian Society; The Peale Museum; Baltimore Muse-
um of Art; Walters Art Gallery; Victorian Society in America. Board member, Society
for the Preservation of Maryland Antiquities; Lillie Carroll Jackson Museum. Past
president, Maryland Kidney Foundation; regional vice-president, National Kidney
Foundation, 1970-1972. Married. Member of the House of Delegates, 1963-1967.
Member of the Senate since 1967. Member, Budget and Taxation Committee; Joint
Committee on Budget and Audit; Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation;
Special Joint Committee on Energy; Maryland State Planning Commission. Co-chair-
man, Joint Committee on Legislative Ethic". District office; 809 Cathedral St.,
Baltimore, 21201; tel. 752-4519. Annapolis office: 116 Pres. Wing, James Bldg., 21401;
tel. 841-3686.
LAURENCE LEVITAN, Democrat, District 15. Born in Washington, D.C., October
22, 1933. Attended Washington, D.C., public schools; Washington and Lee Universi-
ty, B.S., 1955; George Washington Law School, J.D., 1958. Admitted to Maryland
Bar, 1964. Past officer and director, Regency Estates Citizens Association; past presi-
dent and trustee, Georgetown Hill Elementary School PTA. Officer and director,
Montgomery County Heart Association. Member and past chairman, Joint Commit-
tee on Management of Public Funds. Member, Governor's Commission to Study
School Construction Programs; Fiscal Affairs Committee, Southern Legislative Con-
ference; Fiscal Affairs and Oversight Committee, National Conference of State Legis-
latures; Special Committee to Finance Agricultural Land Preservation; Joint Legisla-
tive Committee on Port of Baltimore. Member, Commission on Condominiums;
Commission on Compensation and Personnel Policies; Maryland Committee on Fed-
eral Income Tax Conformity. Married. Member of the House of Delegates, 1971-
1974. Member of the Senate since 1975. Chairman, Budget and Taxation Committee,
1979—. Member, Legislative Policy Committee; Budget and Audit Committee; Joint
Oversight Committee on Transportation; chairman, Spending Affordability Commit-
tee. District office: 11426 Georgetowne Dr., Potomac 20854; tel. 229-6561. Annapolis
office: 100 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3169.
JOSEPH J. LONG, SR., Democrat, District 38. Born in Delmar, July 19, 1921.
Attended public schools in Salisbury and Delmar; Paynter Business School. Electri-
cian. Served with the U.S. Air Force, 1942-1946. Member, Salisbury City Council,
1958-1962. Member, Governor's Commission to Study Public Employee Labor Rela-
tions; Governor's Commission to Study the Revision of the Child Labor Laws; Gov-
ernor's Advisory Committee on Elevators. Vice-chairman, Joint Committee to Study
the State Economy. President, Young Democratic Club of Wicomico County, 1960-
1961. Member, Democratic Club of Wicomico County; Assateague Democratic Club;
Salisbury Democratic Committee. Member, International Association of Electrical In-
spectors; Farm Bureau; Moose; American Legion. Member, Bi-State Chesapeake Bay
Commission. Married. Member of the House of Delegates, 1963-1978. Chairman,
Wicomico County Delegation, 1967-1978. Chairman, Subcommittee on Labor and
Management of Economic Matters Committee, 1968-1978. Chairman, Joint Gover-
nor's Commission on Study of Mobile Homes, 1976-1981. Member of the Senate
since 1979. Member, Constitutional and Public Law Committee since 1979. District
office: 730 S. Park Drive, Salisbury 21801; tel. 742-9032. Annapolis office; 206 James
Bldg. 21401; tel. 841-3645.