LEO GREEN, Democrat, District 23. Attended Mt. St. Mary's College, B.S., cum
laude; Georgetown University Law School, LL.B., J.D. Attorney. Member of Mary-
land State and District of Columbia Bar Associations. Veteran; Greenbelt American
Legion. Mayor of Bowie, two terms. Former chairman. Board of Visitors, Bowie State
College; member. Board of Trustees of the State Universities and Colleges; trustee,
Prince George's United Way; vice-chairman, Washington Council of Governments;
Board of Directors, Villa Rosa Home, Scalabrini Village; president, Bowie Citizens
Association; president. Associated Catholic Charities of Metropolitan Washington;
former general counsel, Eastern U.S. Postal Region. Delegate and secretary of Mary-
land delegation. Democratic National Convention, 1976. Voted Outstanding Man of
the Year, Maryland Jaycees; Distinguished Alumni Award, Mt. St. Mary's College,
1979; Outstanding Legislator Award, Maryland Municipal League, 1978. Wife Alhen;
8 children. Member of House of Delegates, 1975-1979. Member of the Senate since
1983. Member, Finance Committee; Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics. District
office: 3123 Belair Drive, Bowie 20715; tel. 464-8778. Annapolis office: 214 James
Bldg., 21401; tel. 858-3631.
NATHAN C. IRBY, JR., Democrat, District 45. Born in Baltimore, November 7,
1931. Attended Dunbar High School; Antioch College, B.A., 1972. City councilman,
Second District, Baltimore City, 1979-1982. Member, Baltimore City Planning Com-
mission, 1976-1982; Baltimore City Energy Conservation Commission. Member, Air
Quality Control Advisory Council, 1980; Central Maryland Health Systems Agency,
1981-1982. Married; 4 children. Member of the Senate since 1983. District office:
2021 E. Biddle St., Baltimore 21213; tel. 675-3000. Annapolis office: 312 James Bldg.,
21401; tel. 841-3165.
FRANCIS X. KELLY, Democrat, District 10. Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., November
18, 1939. Villanova University, B.S., Economics, 1961. President, Kelly-Chick &
Assoc., insurance administrators, brokers, and consultants. Founder and first presi-
dent, Maryland Foster Parents Association; co-founder and first president. Operation
STOP (taxpayers' organization); past vice-president, Board of Directors, Quarterway
Houses; Board of Catholic Social Services; Greater Timonium Community Council;
elected, White House Conference on Families, 1980. Timonium-CockeysviIle Jaycees'
"Outstanding Young Man" Award, 1974. "Outstanding Legislator the Year" Awards,
MIEMSS (Shock Trauma), 1980, and Maryland Troopers Association, 1982. Senate
Budget and Taxation Committee; Governor's Task Force on the Drinking Driver;
chairman. Joint Committee on Federal/State Regulations. Married; 5 children. Mem-
ber of the Senate since 1979. District office: One Shawan Road, Hunt Valley 21030;
tel. 252-5025. Annapolis office: 207 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3606.
FRANK J. KOMENDA, Democrat, District 26. Born in Washington, D.C., Novem-
ber 25, 1934. Attended Washington, D.C., parochial schools; Prince George's County
public schools; George Washington University, A.B., 1959. Vice-president, public rela-
tions firm. Served in the U.S. Army, 1954-1957. Chairman, Prince George's County
Charter Review Committee, 1973-1974. Member, Oxon Hill Democratic Club; Young
Men's Democratic Club. Past president. Prince George's County Unit, American Can-
cer Society. Former member, Executive Committee, Greater Southeast Community
Hospital; former member. Heart Association of Southern Maryland; former member,
Executive Committee, National Lutheran Home for the Aged; former member. Execu-
tive Committee, National Conference of Christians and Jews. Past president, PTA;
past president, Padgett's Corner Merchants Association. Former member, National
Invitational Planning Forum, American Hospital Association; former member. Board
of Directors, Maryland Health Educational Institute. Member, Prince George's Coun-
ty Board of Trade; South Gate Lions Club; Sons of Italy; Crescent Cities Jaycees;
American Legion; Prince George's Chamber of Commerce; B.P.O. Elks, Marlow
Heights. Member of the House of Delegates, 1975-1982. Member of the Senate since
1982; Budget and Taxation Committee; vice-chairman. Management of Public Funds
Committee. District office: 6427 Branch Ave., Temple Hills 20748; tel. 449-6700. An-
napolis office: 313 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3092 (Washington Metro area: