82/Maryland Manual
TOMMIE BROADWATER, JR., Democrat, District 24. Born in Washington, D.C.,
June 9, 1942. Attended Prince George's County public schools; Southeastern Universi-
ty. Bail bondsman, businessman, and entrepreneur. Member, Governor's Juvenile Jus-
tice Advisory Committee; Governor's Housing Task Force. Former member. Gover-
nor's Task Force on Youth Employment, 1980-1982. Member, Ploughman and
Fisherman Democratic Club; NAACP; Prince George's Chamber of Commerce; Boys
and Girls Club of Glenarden; Bondsmen's Association. Married; 4 children. Member
of the Senate since 1975. Member, Budget and Taxation Committee (chairman, sub-
committee on corrections and transportation); vice-chairman, Rules Committee; mem-
ber, Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation; Joint Oversight Committee on
Corrections; Joint Oversight Committee on Transportation. District office: 5611
handover Road, Hyattsville 20784; tel. 277-7500. Annapolis office: 215 James Bldg.,
21401; tel. 841-3148, 858-3148.
THOMAS L. BROMWELL, Democrat, District 8. Born in Baltimore, March 9,
1949. Attended Baltimore Polytechnic Institute; Essex Community College, A.A.,
1972. Tavern-restaurant owner. Served in the Maryland Air Guard and U.S. Air
Force. Member, Overlea-Fullerton Recreation Council; A.O. Civic Club; Handicapped
Boy Scouts Troop 730; Nottingham Woods Community Association; Allied Commu-
nity Services; Parkville American Legion; Catholic War Veterans St. Sebastian Post
832; Save-A-Heart; Poly Alumni and Essex Community College Alumni Associations;
Perry Hall Elementary and Middle School P.T.A.; Maryland Football Foundation;
usher, St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Fullerton; numerous Democratic Clubs in the 8th
District. Married to the former Karen Ann Hoffman; 2 sons, Tom, Jr. and Eric Mi-
chael. Member of the House of Delegates, 1979-1983. Member of the Senate since
1983; Finance Committee, Joint Committee on Management of Public Funds. District
office: 7503 Belair Road, 2nd Floor, Baltimore 21236; tel. 665-5470. Annapolis office:
208 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3620.
JOHN A. CADE, Republican, District 33. Born in Charleston, S.C., July 2, 1929.
Attended Kentucky and Ohio parochial schools; Xavier University, B.S., 1953; North-
western University, M.B.A., 1954; 2 years law school—Chase College and University
of Maryland. Professional business and real estate consultant. Served in the U.S. Ma-
rine Corps, 1946-1948, 1950-1951. Member, Anne Arundel County Charter Board,
1962-1963. Member, Anne Arundel County Council, 1965-1970. Member, numerous
commissions and committees studying state financing, taxation, assessments, budgets,
transportation, and education. Received Distinguished Service Award, Glen Bumie
Jaycees, 1963. Married. Member of the Senate since 1975; minority whip. Annapolis
office: 407 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3568.
JAMES CLARK, JR., Democrat, District 14. Born in Ellicott City, December 19,
1918. Attended Ellicott City public schools; Iowa State University, B.S., 1941. Farm-
er. Served in the U.S. Air Force, 1941-1945. Former Howard County Soil Conserva-
tion District Supervisor. First Vice-President, Constitutional Convention of Maryland,
1967-1968. Member, Rotary; V.F.W. Married. Member of the House of Delegates,
1959-1963. Member of the Senate since 1963. Chairman, Agriculture and Natural Re-
sources Committee, 1963-1966. Chairman, Executive Nominations Committee, 1967-
1971. Vice-chairman, Finance Committee, 1971-1975. Member, Legislative Council
(now Legislative Policy Committee) since 1971. Chairman, Finance Committee, 1975-
1978. President of the Senate, 1979-1983. District office: 12400 Clarksville Pike,
Clarksville 21029; tel. 854-6020 or 988-9818. Annapolis office: 216 James Bldg.,
21401; tel. 841-3671.