CLARENCE W. BLOUNT, Democrat, District 41. Attended Baltimore City public
schools; Morgan State University, B.A., 1950; The Johns Hopkins University,
M.L.A., 1965; Georgetown University. Educator. Served in World War II; awarded
Combat Commission. Member, Education Commission of the States; Southern Re-
gional Education Board. Member, National Democratic Committee. Member, Acade-
my of Political and Social Science; Morgan State University Alumni Association; The
Johns Hopkins University Alumni Association; Baltimore Urban League; NAACP;
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Member, Board of Trustees, Provident and Sinai Hospi-
tals; Western Maryland College. Member, Urban Affairs Committee, N.C.S.L.; Ad-
vanced Leadership Program Services, Mid-Atlantic Region. Chairman, Urban Services
Commission, Baltimore City. Member, League of Handicapped and Crippled Chil-
dren. Received numerous distinguished service awards. Member of the Senate since
1971. Member, Legislative Policy Committee. Chairman, Health, Education and Hu-
man Resources Subcommittee. Vice-chairman, Budget and Taxation Committee.
Member, Executive Nominations Committee. Majority Leader, 1983—. District of-
fice: 4811 Liberty Heights Ave., Baltimore 21207; tel. 466-1197. Annapolis office: 100
James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841.3697.
JOSEPH S. BONVEGNA, Democrat, District 46. Born in Baltimore, January 9,
1922. Attended Baltimore public schools. Served in the U.S. Army, 1942-1946. Dele-
gate to Democratic State Convention. Chief clerk, Baltimore City Council. Man of the
Year, American Legion, 1979. Director, I Am An American Day Parade, Baltimore
City. Member and vice-president, 26th Ward United Democratic Club of Baltimore
City. Member, Armistead Democratic Club; Fort Marshall Democratic Club; Pulaski
Highway Democratic Club; Highland Clipper Club; Quo Vadis Democratic Club.
Member, Board of Directors, Baltimore Braille Association. Former vice-president,
American Soccer League. President, Baltimore Pompei Soccer Team; Lombard Plea-
sure Club. Member, Civic Democratic Club; Exchange Club of Highlandtown; Catho-
lic War Veterans; Sons of Italy; Baltimore Area Council. Boy Scouts of America.
Unmarried. Member of the House of Delegates, 1967-1975. Member of the Senate
since 1975; Economic Affairs Committee, Joint Committee on Investigation. Vice-
chairman, Executive Nominations Committee. District office: 419 S. Highland Ave.,
Baltimore 21224; tel. 276-8500. Annapolis office: 311 James Bldg., 21401; tel.
F. VERNON BOOZER, Republican, District 9. Born in Norfolk, Virginia, January
30, 1936. Attended South Norfolk High School; Duke University, A.B., 1958; Univer-
sity of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1964. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1964.
Attorney. Trial Magistrate, Baltimore County, 1967-1968. Administrator of Loan
Laws, State of Maryland, 1968-1969. Married; 4 children. Member of House of Dele-
gates, 1971-1979. Member of the Senate since 1981; Finance Committee, Joint Com-
mittee on Investigation. District office: 614 Bosley Ave., Towson 21204; tel. 828-0669.
Annapolis office: 403 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3706.
TROY BRAILEY, Democrat, District 40. Born in Lynchburg, S.C.. Attended Lynch-
burg public schools; New York University. Labor and civic leader. National vice-pres-
ident, Afro-American Labor Council; state chairman and organizer for the 1963 his-
toric march on Washington, D.C. Member, Boy Scouts of America. Member,
executive board, NAACP. Member, Prince Hall Masons. Board of Directors, YMCA;
O.I.C.; Baltimore Street Car Museum. Former member, Mayor's Task Force on Em-
ployment; Apprenticeship Advisory Council; Baltimore Community Relations Com-
mission; Apprenticeship Advisory Board; Baltimore Advisory Council on Vocational
Education, Governor's Commission on Youthful Offenders. Recipient of numerous
awards and citations. Married; 2 children and 1 grandson. Member of the House of
Delegates, 1967-1982. Member of the Senate since 1983; Economic Affairs Commit-
tee, Joint Committee on Protocol. District office: 2339 W. North Ave., Baltimore
21216; tel. 523-5205 or 669-7142. Annapolis office: 202 James Bldg., 21401; tel.