ing and terms are for life or until resignation. In
Wicomico County the Board itself makes ap-
pointments for three-year terms (Education Arti-
cle, secs. 23-301 through 23-303).
Librarian (or Library Director): Appointed by the
Board of Library Trustees, except in Montgomery
County where the County Executive makes the
appointment upon recommendation of the Li-
brary Board and with the consent of the County
Council (Code 1957, Art. 77, sec. 174).
Social Services Board: Appointed by the
governing body of the County for three-year
terms. The Board consists of nine members. One
must be a member of the governing body of the
county and serves ex officio. In Baltimore City
the Board is called the Social Services Commis-
sion. (Code 1957. Art. 88A, secs. 13-14A).
Director of Social Services: Appointed by the
County Social Services Board. In Baltimore City
the Mayor selects the Director. (Code 1957, Art.
88A, secs. 13).
Commission on the Aging: Appointed by the
governing body in each county for indefinite
terms (Code 1957, Art. 70B).
Children's Council: Appointed by the chief execu-
tive officer of each county and Baltimore City as
per Chapter 426, Acts of 1978. The Children's
Councils are a part of the Maryland Office for
Children and Youth (Code 1957, Art. 49D, sec.
Foster Care Review Board: Appointed by the
Governor from residents of the county (or
Baltimore City) which the Board serves. The
Board is composed of five members and two al-
ternates. Members serve four-year terms without
compensation. They are citizens whose interest in
children has been shown through community ser-
vice or professional experience, or who have a
background in law, sociology, psychology, educa-
tion, social work, or medicine. Board members
are subject to the same standards of confidentiali-
ty as Social Services Administration employees.
The Board elects its own chairperson from among
its number for a four-year term (Code 1957, Art.
88A, sec. 116).
Two or more counties may agree to establish
one multicounty Board instead of individual
county boards. Each multicounty Board is com-
posed of five members and two alternates
Appointment Methods/497
appointed by the Governor from residents of two
of the counties which the Board serves (Chapter
19, Acts of 1981).
Disabled Persons Review Board: Consists of nine
members appointed by the County Commission-
ers. In Baltimore City and the charter counties,
the Board is chosen by the Mayor or County Ex-
ecutive with the advice and consent of the City or
County Council. The Board includes a profession-
al representative of the local Department of So-
cial Services, two physicians, a local commission
on aging representative, a professional representa-
tive of a local nonprofit social service organiza-
tion, an attorney, two lay individuals, and a pub-
lic health nurse. Members serve three-year terms
without compensation (Code 1957, Art. 88A, sec.
Community Action Agency: Designated by the
governing body of the county (Chapter 832, Acts
of 1982).
Community Action Board of Trustees: Consists of
at least fifteen members. One-third of the mem-
bers are elected public officials currently in office,
or their designees. At least one-third of the mem-
bers are persons chosen by a democratic selection
process designed to assure that they are represen-
tative of the poor in the area served. Remaining
members are officials or members of business, in-
dustry, labor, religious, welfare, education, or
other major groups and interests in the communi-
ty. The Secretary of the Department of Human
Resources establishes procedures to carry out the
purposes of the community services program
(Chapter 832, Acts of 1982).
Recreation and Parks Board: Appointed by the
governing body of the county, it must include a
member of that body and a member or represen-
tative of the county board of education (Code
1957, Art. 25, sec. 226).
Planning and Zoning Commission: Appointed by
the local legislative body or by the County Exec-
utive with County Council confirmation. The
Board consists of five to seven members and may
include one member of the governing body of the
county who serves ex officio. The term of the ex
officio member corresponds to his term of office
on the county governing body. The remaining
members serve five-year terms. In Allegany Coun-
ty the Commission consists of seven members.