478/Maryland Manual
Served in the U.S. Army Infantry, 1942-1946; bronze
star, purple heart. Member, American and Maryland
State Bar Associations; Fourth Circuit Judicial Confer-
ence. Formerly associated with firms of Marbury, Mill-
er, and Evans and Piper and Marbury (partner, 1958-
1971). Instructor, Johns Hopkins University; McCoy
College, 1954-1962. Board of Directors, Legal Aid So-
ciety, 1958-1971; CICHA (Health Appeal), 1964-1971.
Board of Directors and member. Executive Committee,
Maryland Division of American Cancer Society, 1958—.
Member, Oncology Advisory Council, Johns Hopkins
University; member. Executive Committee, Internation-
al Union Against Cancer, 1981—; member, Dartmouth
College Alumni Council. Member, Hamilton Street and
Rule Day Clubs. Chairman of the Board, American
Cancer Society, 1978-1980. Married to Doris Oliver
Young; 3 children. Office address: 520 U.S. Courthouse,
101 W. Lombard St., Baltimore 21201; tel. 962-2457.