United States District Court
Baltimore City Bar Associations; honorary member of
Federal Bar Association; permanent member, 4th Cir-
cuit Judicial Conference; member, Wednesday Law
Club. Law clerk to U.S. District Court Judge W. Calvin
Chesnut, 1951-1952; assistant U.S. attorney for Mary-
land, 1954-1956. Member, Baltimore Museum of Art;
Walters Art Gallery; Maryland Historical Society;
American Judicature Society; Yale and University of
Maryland Alumni Associations. Married to Jane Ward
Murray; 1 child. Office address: U.S. Courthouse, 101
W. Lombard St., Baltimore 2)201; tel. 962-2505.
EDWARD S. NOBTHROP, Senior Judge. Appointed
in 1961; chief judge 1970-1981. Born in Chevy Chase,
June 12, 1911. Attended George Washington Universi-
ty, LL.B., 1937. In private practice in Chevy Chase un-
til 1941. Served in U.S. Navy, 1941-1945; served in all
theatres, achieving rank of commander; decorated by
both Army and Navy. Later associated with law firm of
Lambert, Hart, and Northrop. Member, Maryland Sen-
ate, 1955-1961; first Chairman of Committee on Taxa-
tion and Fiscal Affairs; achieved position of majority
leader and chairman of the Finance Committee. Orga-
nizer of Council of Governments in the Metropolitan
Area of Washington, D.C., and instrumental in
establishing area-wide mass transit commission. Mem-
ber, Committee on Administration of the Probation
System, Judicial Conference of the United States; U.S.
District Court Metropolitan Chief Judges' Conference
(former member of Steering Committee); Advisory Cor-
rections Council of the U.S., 1977—; Judicial Panel on
Multidistrict Litigation, 1979—; State-Federal Judicial
Council of Maryland (chairman, 1973-1974). Senior
Judge and Chief Judge emeritus June 1981. Awards:
1975 George Washington University Law School Dis-
tinguished Service Award; 1981 State of Maryland Dis-
tinguished Citizen Award, Federal Bar Service Award;
1982 American Judicature Society Special Merit Cita-
tion "in recognition of his outstanding service for the
improvement of the administration of justice"; Mary-
land State Bar Distinguished Service Award; Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore; Senate of Maryland. Of-
fice address: U.S. Courthouse, 101 W. Lombard St.,
Baltimore 21201; tel. 962-4674.
NORMAN P. RAMSEY. Appointed in 1980. Born in
Fairchance, Pennsylvania, September 1, 1922. Attended
Loyola College; University of Maryland School of Law;
Marine Officer Training Program, Colgate University.
Served in the U.S. Marine Corps, 1943-1945. Admitted
to Maryland bar, 1946. Member, Order of the Coif;
American Bar Association (State delegate, 1960-1975);
Maryland State Bar Association (Board of Governors,
1963-1975; president, 1973-1974); Baltimore City Bar
Association (former member of Executive Committee);
Federal Bar Association; American Bar Foundation.
Member, American College of Trial Lawyers; Interna-
tional Society of Barristers; American Bar Association
Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary, 1968-
1974. Past president. Library Company of the
Baltimore Bar; president, Legal Aid Bureau of
Baltimore, 1959-1962. Law clerk to the Honorable W.
Calvin Chesnut, 1947-1948; assistant U.S. attorney for
Maryland, 1948-1950; associate in firm of Senunes,
Bowen & Semmes, 1950-1954, partner, 1957-1980; as-
sistant attorney general of Maryland, 1955; deputy at-
Federal Judges/477
tomey general of Maryland, 1955-1957. Lecturer, Uni-
versity of Maryland School of Law, 1950-1971.
President, Civil Service Commission, 1963-1970; mem-
ber, Board of Ethics of Baltimore City, 1963-1970,
1974-1980; member, Mayor's Commission on Charter
Revision, 1963; president, Board of School Commission-
ers of Baltimore City, 1975; president. Board of Fire
Commissioners of Baltimore City, 1980; Board of Trust-
ees, Public Defender System, 1976-1980. Member, Cen-
ter Club; Lawyers Round Table; Wranglers; Rule Day
Club; Wednesday Law Club; St. Andrews Society; Wig
and Pen Club. Married, Tucky Patz Ramsey; 4 daugh-
ters. Office address: U.S. Courthouse, 101 W. Lombard
St., Baltimore 21201; tel. 962-2722.
ROSZEL C. THOMSEN. Appointed in 1954. Born in
Baltimore, August 17, 1900. Attended The Johns Hop-
kins University, A.B., 1919; University of Maryland,
LL.B., 1922. Admitted to the Maryland bar, 1922.
Served in the Student Army Training Corps. Member,
Maryland, Baltimore City, and American Bar Associa-
tions; Lawyers' Round Table; Rule Day Club. Member,
Judicial Conference of U.S., 1957-1964; chairman,
Standing Committee on Rules of Practice & Procedure
of Judicial Conference of the U.S., 1973-1980; member,
Advisory Committee on Civil Rules, 1959-1970, 1972-
1973; member, Committee to Implement Criminal Jus-
tice Act, 1964-1973 (chairman, 1972-1973); member,
Advisory Committee on Judicial Activities, 1969-1973;
member, Coordinating Committee on Multiple Litiga-
tion, 1962-1968; member, Committee on Administra-
tion of Criminal Law, 1971-1973; president, Maryland
State Bar Association, 1972-1973. Awarded honorary
doctor of laws, Goucher College. Secretary, Maryland
Board of Law Examiners, 1943-1944; president, Board
of Education of Baltimore City, 1944-1954. Married to
Carol Gritting Wolf Thomsen; 3 children. Office ad-
dress: 720 U.S. Courthouse, 101 W. Lombard St.,
Baltimore 21201; tel. 962-3522.
R. DORSEY WATKINS. Appointed in 1955. Born in
Baltimore, September 27, 1900. Attended The Johns
Hopkins University, B.A., 1922, Ph.D., 1925; Universi-
ty of Maryland Law School, LL.B., 1925. Admitted to
the Maryland bar, 1925. Member, American, Maryland
State, and Baltimore City Bar Associations; Lawyers'
Round Table; Rule Day Club; American College of Tri-
al Lawyers; American Judicature Society. Phi Beta
Kappa; Order of the Coif; Distinguished Alumnus of
the Year, University of Maryland School of Law, 1979.
Chairman, Grievance Commission, 1947-1948; director
and vice-president. Mental Hygiene Society of Greater
Baltimore; president, Bar Association of Baltimore City,
1947-1948. Instructor in Torts, University of Maryland
School of Law, 1925-1968; instructor in Advanced
Commercial Law, The Johns Hopkins University, 1926-
1955. Partner, firm of Piper, Watkins, and Avirett (now
Piper and Marbury), 1930. Widower; 1 child. Office ad-
dress: U.S. Courthouse, 101 W. Lombard St., Baltimore
21201; tel. 539-8319.
JOSEPH H. YOUNG. Appointed in 1971. Born in
Hagerstown, July 18, 1922. Attended Dartmouth Col-
lege, A.B., 1948; University of Virginia School of Law,
LL.B., 1951. Admitted to the Maryland bar, 1951.