Postsecondary Institutions. In order to benefit
from the advice of students, faculty, and other
groups in the State's postsecondary education
community, the Board appoints advisory commit-
tees composed of faculty, students, and citizens to
develop recommendations on specific areas of
Michael McCarthy, Chairperson
16 Francis St.
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2971
The Assembly consists of the presidents of the
student government associations of all two-year
and four-year, public and independent institutions
of higher learning in Maryland and is the only of-
ficially sanctioned body representing the State's
224,000 college students.
The new Assembly, perhaps the only one of its
kind in the United States, was created in May
1980 when the State Board for Higher Education
unanimously passed a resolution presented to it
by the out-going Student Advisory Committee.
The Assembly replaces that Committee and pro-
vides more equal and better representation of stu-
dents before the State Board and the Maryland
academic community.
Chairperson: Charles W. Riley, 1983
Warren E. Isman, 1983; Peter J. O'Connor, Jr.,
1983; Elwood H. Banister, 1984; Harry Devlin,
1984; Elizabeth Seaman, 1984; Thomas J.
Baginski, 1985; Robert J. Smith, 1985; W.
Newton Carey, 1986; J. Donald Mooney, 1986;
Frederick R. Seibel III, 1986.
Chapter 682, Acts of 1976, established within
the State Board for Higher Education the Mary-
land Fire-Rescue Education and Training Com-
mission. The Commission reports to and is sub-
ject to the authority of the Commissioner of
Higher Education. The Commission consists of
eleven members appointed by the Governor with
the advice and consent of the Senate.
The Fire-Rescue Education and Training Com-
mission develops standards for fire-rescue educa-
tion programs and procedures, and for the ac-
creditation of instructors and schools involved in
these programs. The Commission develops and
Independent Agencies/361
maintains a statewide master plan to coordinate
all emergency services training courses and activi-
ties in Maryland. In support of its other activi-
ties, the Commission collects and disseminates
data and reviews research relevant to fire-rescue
education. The Commission prepares an annual
report that describes its activities and sets forth
its recommendations for improvements in emer-
gency services education. The Commission's ac-
tivities are carried out in cooperation with the
University of Maryland and other schools en-
gaged in training fire-rescue personnel in the
State (Code Education Article, secs. 12-113).
Chairperson: Constance Lieder, Secretary of State
William M. Brish, J. Elizabeth Garraway, David
W. Hombeck, Brent M. Johnson, Henry J.
Knott, Parlett L. Moore, William A. Ruhl, Sr.,
Jean E. Spencer, one vacancy.
Charles J. Lietwiler, Executive Secretary
cfo Department of State Planning
301 West Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2270
Title VII-A of the Higher Education Act of
1965 (Public Law 89-329, as amended) provides
federal grants to institutions of higher education
to finance the construction of classrooms, labora-
tories, and libraries.
Title VII-C of the same Act provides federal
grants to subsidize the interest payments on
bonds and mortgages used to finance such con-
struction when direct federal funding is unavail-
In accordance with the provisions of these Ti-
tles, the Governor designated the Board of Public
Works as the State commission to administer the
various programs. In addition, the Governor cre-
ated in 1964 an Advisory Council to assist and
make recommendations to the Board of Public
Works on matters pertaining to these programs.
The Advisory Council processes applications
and recommends priorities for federal grants
among the eligible institutions. It disseminates in-
formation and maintains liaison between the col-
leges in Maryland, the State Commission, and the
U. S. Office of Education. The Department of
State Planning provides staff assistance to the
Advisory Council.