tions that govern it. The Board's nine members
are appointed by the Governor for staggered five-
year terms (Code Education Article, secs. 2-101
through 2-205).
The State Board of Education appoints the
State Superintendent of Schools for a four-year
term. He directs the State Department of Educa-
tion and executes the policy and enforces the reg-
ulations adopted by the Board (Code Education
Article, secs. 2-301 through 2-303). The State De-
partment of Education consists of the State Su-
perintendent of Schools and the professional staff
employed by the Board to assist him. The organi-
zation of the Department includes the Office of
Administration and Finance; Division of Certifi-
cation and Accreditation; Division of Compensa-
tory, Urban, and Supplementary Programs; Divi-
sion of Instruction; Division of Instructional
Television; Division of Library Development and
Services; Maryland Advisory Council on Librar-
ies; Division of Special Education; Division of
Vocational Rehabilitation; Governor's Committee
on Employment of the Handicapped; Attendant
Care Program Advisory Committee; and Division
of Vocational-Technical Education.
John E. Tritt, Assistant State Superintendent
Telephone: 659-2648
The Office of Administration and Finance de-
velops and implements State Department of Edu-
cation policies, procedures, and systems for ad-
ministrative operations in such areas as Personnel
Services, Information Systems, and General Ser-
vices, as well as pupil transportation and school
food services.
Herman E. Behling, Jr., Assistant State Superin-
Telephone: 659-2141
The Division of Certification and Accreditation
both regulates and administers functions relating
to the certification of teachers and the accredita-
tion of nonpublic schools.
The Division issues certificates to teachers in
the public, nonpublic, and independent schools
and in various other institutions of the State. It
interprets certification standards and administers
interstate reciprocity in certification of teachers.
The Division also provides an advisory and con-
sultative service on school staffing.
Independent Agencies/355
The Division evaluates teacher education pro-
grams offered by State colleges and universities
and provides consultative services for the im-
provement of such programs.
The Division interprets and implements State
statute and State Board of Education bylaws re-
lating to the approval of all levels of nonpublic
education from nursery school through secondary
school. Certificates of approval are issued to ap-
proved schools.
The Division administers the General Educa-
tion Development (GED) testing program that
leads to the attainment of the Maryland high
school diploma. It also administers the Maryland
Professional Development Academy and internal
staff development programs.
Velma R. Speight, Assistant State Superintendent
Telephone: 659-2400
The Division of Compensatory, Urban, and
Supplementary Programs administers and super-
vises federal and State programs concerned with
improving the educational development of eco-
nomically and socially deprived children. The pri-
mary function of the Division is to coordinate the
State leadership and administrative responsibili-
ties of these programs so as to provide maximum
support and supplementary services to the local
school systems of Maryland.
The array of federal educational programs ne-
cessitates coordination at the State Department
level to ensure that these supplementary services
achieve legislative intent and benefit to the
greatest degree the school children of Maryland.
Richard J. Deasy, Assistant State Superintendent
Telephone: 659-2328
The Division of Instruction develops and rec-
ommends to the State Superintendent policy
guidelines for programs and services in elementa-
ry and secondary schools. These guidelines in-
clude curriculum and adult continuing education
in all public schools and State agency educational
programs. The Division evaluates education pro-
grams to include the accountability program; in-
sures the implementation of policies, guidelines,
programs, and services through staff develop-
ment, program audits, and supervision; and con-
ducts conferences of personnel of the county
school systems on matters relating to content,