The Governor established this commission by
Executive Order in 1979. The Commission is con-
ducting an in-depth study of the State's compen-
sation and personnel policies so that it may rec-
ommend improvements in the State's current
system of compensating employees at all levels.
In addition, the Commission has a broad charge
to consider the extent to which the State's per-
sonnel policies promote efficiency and productivi-
ty, and to evaluate how the compensation struc-
ture and personnel policies affect women and
minorities in State government.
The Commission consists of ten members
appointed by the Governor. Two are members of
the Senate recommended by the president of the
Senate, and two are members of the House of
Delegates recommended by the speaker of the
House. The Secretary of Personnel, the Secretary
of Budget and Fiscal Planning, and four members
from the private sector also serve on the Commis-
Chairperson: Jerome F. Connell, Sr.
Vice-Chairperson: Jason Newman
Richard L. Arkin; Joel Chasnoff; Hugh Coyle;
Joseph D. Douglass; Norman M. Dreyfuss;
Barbara B. Gregg; Donovan M. Hamm, Jr.;
Ann R. Homer; Ruth U. Keeton; James A.
Kenney; Michael H. Mannes; Stella Morgan;
Anne S. Perkins; Dorothy Sager; Margaret C.
Schweinhaut; Bonnie Serpick; Mark Sissman;
Howard Stone; James W. Tavel; Otis Warren,
Jr.; Thomas White; Roger D. Winston.
Staff Counsel: Thomas C. Kimmel
Office of the Secretary of State
Executive Department
Annapolis 21404 Telephone: 269-3421
From Washington: 261-2525, ext. 3421
The former Commission on Condominiums
was dissolved in 1982 and reconstituted the same
year by the Governor as the Governor's Commis-
sion on Condominiums, Cooperatives and Home-
owners Associations. The new Commission is to
study condominiums, cooperatives and home-
owners associations; review and evaluate existing
laws pertaining to them; and ascertain what prob-
lems exist in their development and operations.
The Commission will report its findings to the
Governor and General Assembly and recommend
legislative action.
Executive Commissions/321
Chairperson: H. Louis Stettler III
Joseph Adier; Curtis C. Johnson; Frank J.
Komenda; Robert R. Neall; Dennis F. Ras-
mussen; Howard P. Rawlings; Theodore E.
Thomton, Sr.
Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning
State Treasury Building
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2115
The Governor created this committee in 1982.
The Committee is to formulate uniform guidelines
for determining when private contractors may
perform services for the State, and what kind of
services they may perform. These guidelines
would constitute a State policy that would guide
the General Assembly, the Board of Public
Works, the various principal departments of gov-
ernment, and the Governor's Office.
Chairperson: Devin John Doolan
Einora Jones Branham; Alan Brauer, Sr.; Robert
L. Brooks; Daniel H. Burkhardt; Roberta E.
Dillow; Dorothy Fait; Matthew C. Fenton III;
Walter A. Frey III; Lewis Greenberg; Richard
P. Gregory; Robert Harper; Alan N. Kanter;
Peggy Kerr; Paul Longley; John H. Murphy
III; Daniel C. Nowicki; Nelson Polun; William
B. Rictor.
8401 Connecticut Avenue
Chevy Chase 20815 Telephone: 652-6880
The Governor created this commission in 1982
(Executive Order 01.01.1982.07). The Commis-
sion is to help Marylanders become aware of the
various crime prevention efforts underway in the
State. It also is to encourage citizen cooperation
to expand crime prevention efforts and to initiate
new approaches in the prevention of crime and
The Commission consists of nineteen members
appointed by the Governor after consultation
with the president of the Senate, the speaker of
the House of Delegates, and chief elected officials
throughout the State.
The Commission is to submit interim reports
to the Governor by November 1, 1982, and No-
vember 1, 1983, and a final report of its findings
and recommendations by June 1, 1984.