316,/Maryland Manual
The Private Sector Advisory Board was created
by Chapter 500, Acts of 1978, to advise the Mary-
land Port Administration in the planning of capi-
tal improvement projects for the construction, ac-
quisition, extension, enlargement, or improvement
of Port of Baltimore facilities. The Board is
appointed by the Administrator, in consultation
with the Secretary of Transportation and subject
to the advice and consent of the Senate.
The Board is representative of the different
professional and commercial areas and interests
with which the Administration is concerned. It
includes but is not limited to representatives
recommended by organized labor, shipping inter-
ests, freight forwarders, terminal operators,
Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Anne Arundel
County, Dorchester County, the Delmarva Advi-
sory Council, the president of the State Senate
and the speaker of the House of Delegates, the
Greater Baltimore Committee, the Maryland
Chamber of Commerce, and a minority group.
The Administrator determines the size and com-
position of the Board.