State Agencies Transportation/'305
Lowell K. Bridwell, Secretary of Transportation
Frederick L. Dewberry, Deputy Secretary of Transportation
Walter Richardson, Director, Office of Financial Planning and Budget
Clyde E. Pyers, Director, Office of Transportation Planning and Development
Thomas J. Fallen, Jr., Special Assistant to the Secretary
P. 0. Box 8755
Baltimore-Washington International Airport
Baltimore 21240 Telephone: 859-7397 or 7398
Public Information: 859-7300
The Department of Transportation was created by Chapter 526, Acts of 1970. The State's concern
with transportation, however, dates back to the early nineteenth century. In that period the State
helped finance various "internal improvements," including railroads, canals, and turnpikes. State agen-
cies specifically vested with responsibilities for different aspects of transportation are, however, a prod-
uct of the twentieth century, with the State Roads Commission being established in 1908, the Motor
Vehicle Commission in 1910, the State Aviation Commission in 1929, the Maryland Port Authority in
1956, the Mass Transit Administration in 1970, and the State Railroad Administration in 1978.
The Department of Transportation brings together under the direction of the Secretary seven prima-
ry transportation administrations: the State Aviation Administration, the Maryland Port Administra-
tion, the Mass Transit Administration, the Motor Vehicle Administration, the State Highway Admin-
istration, the Toll Facilities Administration, and the State Railroad Administration. Also providing the
Secretary with advice, guidance, and direction in a variety of transportation matters are the Board of
Airport Zoning Appeals, the Maryland Transportation Commission, the State Roads Commission, the
Board of Review, the Transportation Professional Services Selection Board, and the Maryland Trans-
portation Authority (Code Transportation Article, secs. 2-101 through 2-103).
The Secretary's Office includes the Secretary
and Deputy Secretary, the Special Assistant to
the Secretary, Office of Policy and Program Anal-
ysis, Office of Transportation Planning, Office of
Financial Planning and Budget, Office of General
Counsel, and the Internal Audit Staff. Besides
having full authority over the Department of
Transportation and all its administrations, the
Secretary serves as chairperson of the Maryland
Transportation Authority, as a member of the
Transportation Professional Services Selection
Board, and the Maryland Highway Safety Coor-
dinating Committee (Code Transportation Arti-
cle, sec. 2-102).
Ronald A. Moser, Assistant Secretary, Administra-
James P. Coyle, Deputy Assistant Secretary,
John D. Bertak, Director, Public Affairs
William L. Carson, Director, Transportation Safety
Gerald V. McVey, Director, Division of Personnel
Bart L. Thomas, Director, Division of Operating
Warren K. Wright, Director, Office of Procure-
ment and Contracts
A. David Watts, Director, Fair Practices and
Equal Opportunity Staff
Orhan Baycu, Director, Office of Planning and
Robert H. Cox, Director, DOT Data Center
Pauline Covino, Director, Management Informa-
tion Systems
The Assistant Secretary of Administration
oversees all headquarter's divisions and the De-
partment's Data Center, and provides administra-
tive services support for the Secretary's staff and
other elements of the Department.