288'/Maryland Manual
specialized courses of study for correctional offi-
cers as defined in the law. In addition, it consults
and cooperates with other departments and agen-
cies of the State concerned with correctional
The Commission consists of thirteen members
of whom ten are ex officio and three are
appointed. Ex officio members are the Deputy
Secretary for Public Safety and Correctional Ser-
vices, the Commissioner of Correction, the Direc-
tor of the Division of Parole and Probation, the
President of the Maryland Community Correc-
tional Administrators Association, the President
of the Maryland Sheriffs Association, the Presi-
dent of the Maryland Probation, Parole and Cor-
rections Association, the Warden of the Baltimore
City Jail, the Attorney General of the State of
Maryland, a respresentative of the Federal Bureau
of Prisons appointed by its Director, and a Presi-
dent of a college or university having a correc-
tions curriculum appointed by the State Board
for Higher Education. The Secretary of Public
Safety and Correctional Services, with the ap-
proval of the Governor, appoints three correc-
tional, parole, or probation officers, each repre-
senting different geographical regions of the State,
for terms of three years.
The Deputy Secretary for Public Safety and
Correctional Services is chairperson of the Com-
mission. With the approval of the Secretary, the
Commission appoints the Executive Director
(Code 1957, Art. 4;, sec. 70B).
Chairperson: Marie C. Henderson, 1983
Vice-Chairperson: David M. Doxzen, 1985
Louis Hyatt, 1983; Paul J. Davis, 1984; Elmanus
Herndon, 1984; Ralph W. Packard, 1984; Rob-
ert H. Fosen, 1985; Sarah Ada Koonce, 1985.
Ex officio members: Stephen H. Sachs, Attorney
General; J. Max Millstone, Secretary of General
Services; Constance Lieder, Secretary of Plan-
Thomas A. Rosazza, Executive Director
Paul S. Hastmann, Assistant Executive Director
One Investment Place, Suite 700
Towson 21204 Telephone: 321-3273
Created by Chapter 535, Acts of 1980, the
Commission on Correctional Standards is com-
posed of eleven members. Eight are appointed by
the Governor with the advice and consent of the
Senate, and three serve ex officio. Appointed
members serve staggered terms of three years.
Appointed members include two Maryland citi-
zens who are not directly employed in the field of
corrections, one official or employee of the Com-
mission on Accreditation for Corrections or a
similar national correctional accreditation organi-
zation, one local elected official, two State gov-
ernment correctional personnel, and two local
government correctional personnel. With the ap-
proval of the Secretary of Public Safety and Cor-
rectional Services, the Commission appoints the
Executive Director.
The purpose of the Commission is to improve
the method of establishing standards for correc-
tional facilities and programs and to ensure com-
pliance with such standards in order to better
protect the health, safety, and welfare of Mary-
land's citizens. The Commission advises the Sec-
retary regarding standards for State and local
correctional facilities, which he is authorized to
adopt; provides technical assistance to jurisdic-
tions; audits facilities to determine compliance
with applicable correctional standards; and deter-
mines schedules for remedial action of jurisdic-
tions in noncompliance with certain standards. It
holds public hearings in accordance with the Ad-
ministrative Procedures Act in regard to the pos-
sible closing of a correctional facility for failure to
meet certain standards. The Commission may is-
sue orders to cease operations of correctional pro-
cedures or functions of a correctional facility
determined, after a public hearing, to be in
noncompliance with certain standards. It also re-
views and acts on appeals of staff audit reports.
The Commission is authorized to consult and co-
ordinate with national bodies promulgating cor-
rectional standards for the purpose of providing a
reasonable compatibility between State and na-
tionally established standards; consult and coop-
erate with other State agencies and local jurisdic-
tions concerning correctional standards; and
establish advisory boards.
Chairman: Russell C. Milbum, 1983
Marshall M. Meyer, 1986; Jeffrey R. Schmieler,
Martin I. Moylan, Executive Director
601 Jackson Towers
1123 N. Eutaw Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 523-5000
The Criminal Injuries Compensation Board
was established by Chapter 455, Acts of 1968, to
serve the need for governmental financial assis-