State Agencies
Ex officio members: William M. Linton, Deputy
Secretary; Jon P. Galley, Commissioner of Cor-
rection: William J. Kunkel, Chairperson, Mary-
land Parole Commission; Arnold J. Hopkins,
Director, Division of Parole and Probation.
Appointed members: Susan Banes Harris, 1983;
Yerby Holman, 1983; Arthur H. Katz, 1983;
Avon J. Bellamy, 1984; Eli M. Lippman, 1984;
Owen Wilson, 1984; Marianne Burt, 1985;
Gwendolyn J. Cooke, 1985; Ray S. Gould,
1985; Robert M. Bell, 1986; Margaret M. Dud-
ley, 1986; Frank Stanley Kinney, 1986.
One Investment Place
Towson 21204 Telephone: 321-3686
The Advisory Board for Correction, Parole and
Probation was created by Chapter 401, Acts of
1970, to succeed the Advisory Board for Correc-
tion established by Chapter 123, Acts of 1962,
and the Advisory Board for Parole and Proba-
tion, established by Chapter 457, Acts of 1968.
The Board consists of seventeen members. Thir-
teen are appointed by the Secretary of Public
Safety and Correctional Services with the approv-
al of the Governor for four-year terms. The Dep-
uty Secretary for Public Safety and Correctional
Services, the Chairperson of the Maryland Parole
Commission, the Director of Parole and Proba-
tion, and the Commissioner of Correction serve
ex officio. The Governor designated the first
chairperson, but thereafter the Secretary of Public
Safety and Correctional Services, with the ap-
proval of the Governor, designates the chair-
The function of the Advisory Board is to study
and observe procedures in and the development
and progress of the correction, parole, and proba-
tion systems in the State. The Board also makes
suggestions and gives advice regarding the State's
correction, parole, and probation systems to the
Secretary, the Deputy Secretary for Correctional
Services, the Commissioner of Correction, the
Board of Parole, and the Director of the Division
of Parole and Probation.
The Advisory Board has no budget. Its mem-
bers receive no compensation for their services,
but they may be reimbursed for necessary and
proper expenses incurred in their duties (Code
1957, Art. 41, sec. 204E).
Chairperson: William M. Linton, Deputy Secretary
Public Safety and Correctional Services/287
Vice-Chairperson: Gary R. Blake, President, Mary-
land Community Correctional Administrators
Ex officio members: Jon P. Galley, Commissioner,
Division of Correction; Arnold J. Hopkins, Di-
rector, Division of Parole and Probation; Paul J.
Davis, Warden, Baltimore City Jail; David
Jenkins, President. Maryland Probation, Parole
and Corrections Association; George W.
Freeberger, President, Maryland State Sheriffs'
Association; Stephen H. Sachs, Attorney Gener-
al; Dr. Robert B. Levinson, Federal Bureau of
Prisons; Dr. Calvin W. Bumett, President,
Coppin State College, appointed by the State
Board for Higher Education.
Appointed members: William J. Kunkel,
Chairperson, Maryland Parole Commission,
1983; W. Wayne McAllister, Washington Coun-
ty Sheriffs Department, 1984; H. Allan
Blizzard, Sheriff, Kent County, 1985.
John A. Schuyler, Executive Director
Donald G. Hopkins, Assistant Executive Director
— Training
William E. O'Hara, Assistant Executive Director—
3085 Hernwood Lane
Woodstock 21163 Telephone: 442-2700
Chapter 213 of the Acts of 1971 created the
Correctional Training Commission within the De-
partment of Public Safety and Correctional Ser-
vices. The Commission prescribes standards for
the approval and continuation of all schools at
which correction, parole, or probation training
courses are required. It approves and issues certif-
icates of approval to the schools, inspects them
from time to time, and revokes for cause any ap-
proval or certificate. The Commission prescribes
curriculum, courses of study, attendance require-
ments, eligibility to attend, equipment, facilities,
and standards of operation for these training
schools. It sets minimum qualifications for in-
structors and issues appropriate certificates to
them. The Commission certifies correctional offi-
cers who have satisfactorily completed training
programs and issues appropriate certificates to
these officers. It also operates approved correc-
tional training schools.
The Commission is authorized to make a con-
tinuous study of correctional training methods
and procedures for all correctional schools and to
consult with and accept the cooperation of any
recognized federal. State, or municipal correction-
al agency or educational institution. It consults
and cooperates with universities, colleges, and in-
stitutions for the development of all general and