274I/Maryland Manual
Hunting Areas) encompassing a total of 78,842
acres located throughout the State.
In addition the Administration manages, ad-
ministers, and controls recreational use of cooper-
ative wildlife areas and some State park areas, a
total of some 250,000 acres, plus the Albert M.
Powell Coldwater Fish Hatchery, the Manning
Wannwater Fish Hatchery, and rearing stations.
Management activities include the construction
of ponds (primarily waterfowl habitat), planting
food and cover vegetation, construction of dikes
to control water levels where needed, and the
stocking of hatchery-reared trout and other spe-
cies of gamefish in compatible State waters.
The Wildlife Administration is served by the
following advisory committees:
William S. James, Chairperson
Lee A. Brohawn: Elbridge Newt Cropper; Alonzo
G. Decker, Jr.; E. Hugh Galbreath; Dr. Wil-
liam B. Holton; Alfred S. Mattingly; Hugh B.
Robey; Lawrence Swann; Robert Wilson; John
Appointed by the Governor, the Committee
works with the Wildlife Administration to devel-
op a superior duck release program (Code Natu-
ral Resources Article, sec. 1-102).
Jack Bamhart, Chairperson
Charles Edward Elliott: Lloyd M. Gerber; Dr.
James Gilford; Paul C. Helm; Robin M. Kir-
wan II.
The Governor appoints the Commission to ad-
vise the Wildlife Administration and the Secretary
of Natural Resources on sport fishing matters
(Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 1-102).
Guy Willey, Chairperson
Appointed by the Director of the Wildlife Ad-
ministration, the Committee advises the Adminis-
tration on trapping matters (Code Natural Re-
sources Article, sec. 1-103(3)).
Chairperson: John J. McMullen, Jr., 1985
Vacancy, Allegany County member, John Adams,
Jr., Garrett County member, 1983
Maryland Avenue Extended
Westernport 21562 Telephone: 359-3944
The Upper Potomac River Commission was es-
tablished in 1935 (Chapter 409. Acts of 1935). It
supervises the Savage River Dam, which regulates
the flow of the Potomac River. The Commission
has jurisdiction over the water resources of
Allegany County and of Election District 4
(Bloomington) in Garrett County.
The Commission consists of three members
appointed for six-year terms. The Governor ap-
points the chairperson, and the Allegany County
and Garrett County Boards of County Commis-
sioners each appoint one member.
John W. Barton, Chairperson
Charles B. Allen; William K. Brendle; Kennieth
F. Thompson; V. Edwin Unger.
The Governor appoints the Commission which
advises the Wildlife Administration and the Sec-
retary of Natural Resources on wildlife matters
(Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 1-102).