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Maryland Manual, 1983-84
Volume 181, Page 273   View pdf image (33K)
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State Agencies


Robert P. Eurice, Chairperson

Ellsworth L. Brown; Russell Dize; Jennings L.
Evans; W. Hopkins Fisher; Dr. James Gilford;
Levin Harrison; Joseph E. Heim; Francis J.
Russell; Ricks E. Savage; Larry W. Simns;
Calvert Tolley.

Appointed by the Governor (Code Natural Re-
sources Article, secs. 1-102, 4-204).


Thomas C. Andrews, Director

Tawes State Office Building
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-3846

The Water Resources Administration, formerly
the Department of Water Resources, was created
by Chapter 348, Acts of 1972. The agency is con-
cerned with the protection, management, and de-
velopment of the water resources of the State.

The Water Resources Adminstration conducts
ten programs. Watershed Permits manages water-
sheds by regulating activities in non-tidal streams
and floodplains. Wetland Permits protects tidal
wetlands through permit and license require-
ments. Surface and Groundwater Appropriations
manages water supply through a permit program.
Water Supply Planning plans for the development
of future water supplies. Sediment Control man-
ages a Statewide program including training of
construction industry and local government per-
sonnel. Surface Mine Reclamation manages
through permits and licenses areas affected by the
mining of minerals other than coal. Oil Control
strives to prevent oil spills through a permit and
licensing program that supports an emergency oil
spill response capability. Flood Management
funds and develops flood management studies
and capital projects for local jurisdictions. Dam
Safety assures safe dams through a field inspec-
tion program.

Chapter 682, Acts of 1982, established a State-
wide Stonnwater Management Program as of
July 1, 1982. The law requires that the Adminis-
tration adopt and implement regulations
establishing criteria and procedures for
stormwater management in Maryland. This law
also requires local governments to adopt ordi-
nances and implement stormwater management
programs consistent with the Statewide criteria
and procedures.

By inspection and monitoring, the Administra-
tion enforces all permits and licenses issued by

Natural Resources/273

the other Water Resources Divisions. The Water
Resources Administration operates a twenty-four
hour a day oil spill emergency number. For assis-
tance weekdays call (301) 269-3551; on weekends,
evenings, and holidays, call (301) 269-3181.


Dr. R. Lamar Green, Chairperson

Dr. Donald A. Emerson; Robert J. McLeod;
Nicholas Pelagatti.

Appointed by the Governor, the Commission
serves as an advisory board to the Director of the
Water Resources Administration (Code Natural
Resources Article, sec. 1-102).


The Committee advises both the Water Re-
sources Administration and the Department of
Health and Mental Hygiene's Office of Environ-
mental Programs on programs and activities
designed to improve and protect water quality in
Maryland (Federal regulations 40CFR, Part 25).


Bernard F. Halla, Director

Tawes State Office Building
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-3195

The Wildlife Administration, created by Chap-
ter 348, Acts of 1972, is responsible for the main-
tenance, management, and protection of freshwa-
ter fish, marine mammals, birds, land-based
reptiles and amphibians, and mammals. This in-
cludes game species, non-game species, and
threatened and endangered wildlife.

In the course of discharging its assigned duties,
the Administration engages in field surveys and
research projects to evaluate public demands on
wildlife resources, fish and wildlife populations,
harvesting parameters, and relevant environmen-
tal factors.

The Administration applies modern profession-
al wildlife management techniques to both con-
trol and assure continuing wildlife production
while affording a maximum of public recreational
opportunities compatible with the welfare of
those resources.

Among the Administration's projects and pro-
grams is the development and management of 32
state-owned Wildlife Management Areas (Public


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Maryland Manual, 1983-84
Volume 181, Page 273   View pdf image (33K)
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