State Agencies
mation Services, and General Administration.
Program Planning and Evaluation assists the
Secretary in the coordination and direction of
comprehensive planning in the areas of natural
resources management. Extension Services is re-
sponsible for education of the general public in
the use of natural resources. Assistance and In-
formation Services is charged with keeping the
public accurately and swiftly informed of policies
and activities of the Department of Natural Re-
sources. The Administration section is responsible
for fiscal affairs, personnel, federal aid coordina-
tion, data processing services, and management of
registration and titling of boats.
Appointed by the Secretary of Natural Re-
sources, the Council advises the Secretary on
boating laws and how they affect the boating in-
dustry in Maryland (Code Natural Resources Ar-
ticle, sec. l-102(d)).
John Garber, Department of State Planning,
Chairperson Telephone: 383-3066
Department of Natural Resources Contact: James
Burtis, Jr. Telephone: 269-3776
The Committee coordinates remote sensing ac-
tivities in Maryland. It acts as liaison for the re-
mote sensing user community and offers technical
review of proposed projects while facilitating effi-
cient and economical use of related personnel,
equipment, and products (Code Natural Re-
sources Article, sec. l-102(d)).
Fred L. Eskew, Assistant Secretary
Tawes State Office Building
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-3947
The Capital Programs Administration operates
five programs: Land Planning Services, Shore
Erosion Control, Program Open Space, Land and
Property Management, and General Direction, in-
cluding the Office of Recreation and Leisure Ser-
Land Planning Services is responsible for pro-
viding the Department of Natural Resources
planning and mapping services for the acquisi-
Natural Resources/263
tion, development, and resource management of
public lands and scenic rivers administered
and/or managed by the Department. The activi-
ties of Land Planning are accomplished through
four primary projects: Park Planning, Wild and
Scenic Rivers, Acquisition Graphics and Re-
search, and Natural Heritage and Environmental
The Park Planning project develops master
plans for new State parks or a recreation use and
modification of existing State parks. Park Plan-
ning also conducts environmental reviews for
many DNR projects and lands.
The Wild and Scenic Rivers project prepares
resource management plans for the nine rivers
that comprise the scenic and wild rivers system.
It promotes the wise use of rivers' land and water
resources, and improves resource conservation
The Acquisition Graphics and Research Proj-
ect researches property records (deeds, surveys,
and land patents) and prepares boundary maps
which graphically illustrate all private properties
legislatively authorized for acquisition to com-
plete public ownership of DNR managed lands.
The National Heritage and Environmental Re-
view project systematically collects, records, and
analyzes the State's natural vegetation and aquat-
ic diversity, including rare, endangered, or threat-
ened species.
Land Planning Services adheres to the Natural
Resources Article which requires all State agen-
cies to conduct their affairs with an awareness
that they are responsible for protection of the en-
vironment for both present and future genera-
Shore Erosion Control Program provides techni-
cal assistance to property owners, communities,
and counties experiencing shore erosion problems;
administers the Shore Erosion Control Revolving
Loan Fund which provides interest-free loans for
project construction to qualified applicants; de-
signs and provides construction supervison, at no
cost, for State financed projects; evaluates the ef-
fectiveness of new materials and methods devel-
oped to control erosion; provides public educa-
tion on the causes and prevention of shore and
bank erosion; and makes assessments and recom-
mendations on the overall erosion problem in the
Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.
Program Open Space administers the funds
made available to local communities for open and
recreational space under the provisions of the
Outdoor Recreation Land Loan of 1969 and from
the National Park Service, Land and Water Con-